Receive Payment APIs
Receive Payment will be under the sell module. You will be able to generate receipt for the payment made by the customer. The record would be saved and can be viewed from Payments Received in Transaction Records.
If you receive a payment (either full or partial payment) from a customer or make a payment to a vendor without making reference to a specific invoice this can be treated as a payment on account.
helps you to receive new payment, retrieve a particular payment, update payment, or retrieve a list of payments.
More about Receive Payment API documentation
Search Payment
Get receive payments by filter criteria. More about search payment
- Allows you to retrieve a list of all receive payments.
- Allows you to retrieve specific receive payments based on it's filter criteria.
Request URL
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Receive Payment's have been fetched successfully. | ReceivePaymentDto |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Receive Payment
Receive a new payment. More about receive payment
- Allows you to receive a new payment.
Request URL
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receivePaymentDto | body | receivePaymentDto | Yes | ReceivePaymentDto |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ReceivePaymentDto |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | ReceivePaymentDto |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Update Payment
Update recieve payment information. More about update payment
- Allows you to update a specific recieve payment information.
Request URL
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | id | Yes | long |
receivePaymentDto | body | receivePaymentDto | Yes | ReceivePaymentDto |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Payment has been updated successfully. | ReceivePaymentDto |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Receive Payment APIs.
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
codes | body | codes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Receive payment.
API to receive a new payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receivePaymentDtos | body | receivePaymentDtos | Yes | [ ReceivePaymentDto ] |
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Receive bulk payment.
API to receive a new bulk payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receiveBulkPaymentDto | body | receiveBulkPaymentDto | Yes | ReceiveBulkPaymentDto«ReceivePaymentResponseDto,ReceivePaymentItemResponseDto» |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ReceiveBulkPaymentDto |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | ReceiveBulkPaymentDto |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete bulk payment.
API to delete bulk payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
code | path | code | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Bulk payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Fetch Due amounts by contact codes
API to fetch due amounts of contacts.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
contactCodes | body | contactCodes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Due amounts fetched successfully | [ DueAmountResponse ] |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Due amounts fetched failed |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Get Advance Payment amounts by code.
API to get Advance Payment amount by contact.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
contactCode | query | contactCode | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Deposit details fetched successfully. | DepositInformation |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Deposit not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Get Deposit details by code.
API to get Deposit details by code.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
code | path | code | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Deposit details fetched successfully. | DepositInformation |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Deposit not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Create multiple deposits via import
API to create deposits via import.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receivePaymentDtos | body | receivePaymentDtos | Yes | [ ReceivePaymentDto ] |
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Create multiple opening advance payment via import
API to create opening advance payment via import.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
openingAdvpaymentRequests | body | openingAdvpaymentRequests | Yes | [ ReceivePaymentDto ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | BulkApiResponse |
201 | Opening advance payment imported successfully. | BulkApiResponse |
400 | Failed to import opening advance payment. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Import Get Paid.
API to import get paid.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receivePaymentDtos | body | receivePaymentDtos | Yes | [ ReceivePaymentDto ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | BulkApiResponse |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | BulkApiResponse |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Deposit-AdvancePayment knock-off and update its due amount
API to update due amount for Deposit-AdvancePayment while knocking off with other documents
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
knockOffRequests | body | knockOffRequests | Yes | [ KnockOffRequest ] |
Code | Description |
200 | Due amounts updated successfully. |
201 | Created |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Deposit-AdvancePayment entry not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Reconcile transactions
API to reconcile transactions
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receiptCodes | body | receiptCodes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Transactions reconciled successfully. | ResponseEntity |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Get Receive Payment count for tax
API to fetch Receive Payment count for tax
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
taxCodes | body | taxCodes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Tax Receive Payment count has been fetched. | object |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
API to map taxlist to item entity for old transactions
API to map taxlist to item entity for old transactions
Code | Description |
200 | Tax mapping for existing records done successfully. |
201 | Created |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Fetch Un-Deposited Receive Payments
API to fetch Un-Deposited Receive payments.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Un-Deposited Payment's have been fetched successfully. | ReceivePaymentDto |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Unreconcile transactions
API to unreconcile transactions
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receiptCodes | body | receiptCodes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Transactions unreconciled successfully. | ResponseEntity |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Get unreconciled receipts/deposits
API to get unreconciled receipts/deposits.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
accountCode | query | accountCode | Yes | string |
amount | query | amount | No | number |
documentDate | query | documentDate | No | dateTime |
statementDate | query | statementDate | No | dateTime |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Unreconciled receipts/deposits fetched successfully. | ReconcileTransactionResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Update knock off information
Api to update knock off information
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
knockOffInfos | body | knockOffInfos | Yes | object |
Code | Description |
200 | Knock off information updated successfully. |
201 | Created |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
code | path | code | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Receive Payment Indonesia APIs.
Fetch Receive Payments
API to fetch existing make payments.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Receive Payment's have been fetched successfully. | ReceivePaymentDtoIndonesia |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Receive payment.
API to receive a new payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receivePaymentDto | body | receivePaymentDto | Yes | ReceivePaymentDtoIndonesia |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ReceivePaymentDtoIndonesia |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | ReceivePaymentDtoIndonesia |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
codes | body | codes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete Bank Deposit
API to Delete Bank Deposit
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receivePaymentCode | query | receivePaymentCode | Yes | string |
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
204 | Bank Deposit have been deleted successfully |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Receive bulk payment.
API to receive a new bulk payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receiveBulkPaymentDto | body | receiveBulkPaymentDto | Yes | ReceiveBulkPaymentDto«ReceivePaymentResponseDtoIndonesia,ReceivePaymentItemResponseDtoIndonesia» |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ReceiveBulkPaymentDto |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | ReceiveBulkPaymentDto |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Fetch Deposits
API to fetch existing deposits.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
contactName | query | contactName | No | string |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
docType | query | docType | No | string |
includeUndepositedFunds | query | includeUndepositedFunds | No | boolean |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
paymentDate | query | paymentDate | No | dateTime |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Deposits have been fetched successfully. | ReceivePaymentDto |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Deposit-AdvancePayment knock-off and update its due amount
API to update due amount for Deposit-AdvancePayment while knocking off with other documents
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
knockOffRequests | body | knockOffRequests | Yes | [ KnockOffRequest ] |
Code | Description |
200 | Due amounts updated successfully. |
201 | Created |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Deposit-AdvancePayment entry not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Reconcile transactions
API to reconcile transactions
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receiptCodes | body | receiptCodes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Transactions reconciled successfully. | ResponseEntity |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Get unreconciled receipts/deposits
API to get unreconciled receipts/deposits.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
accountCode | query | accountCode | Yes | string |
amount | query | amount | No | number |
documentDate | query | documentDate | No | dateTime |
statementDate | query | statementDate | No | dateTime |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Unreconciled receipts/deposits fetched successfully. | ReconcileTransactionResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
code | path | code | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Update payment.
API to update existing payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | id | Yes | long |
receivePaymentDto | body | receivePaymentDto | Yes | ReceivePaymentDtoIndonesia |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Payment has been updated successfully. | ReceivePaymentDtoIndonesia |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Receive Payment Israel APIs.
Fetch Receive Payments
API to fetch existing make payments.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Receive Payment's have been fetched successfully. | ReceivePaymentDtoIsrael |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Receive payment.
API to receive a new payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receivePaymentDto | body | receivePaymentDto | Yes | ReceivePaymentDtoIsrael |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ReceivePaymentDtoIsrael |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | ReceivePaymentDtoIsrael |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
codes | body | codes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete Bank Deposit
API to Delete Bank Deposit
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receivePaymentCode | query | receivePaymentCode | Yes | string |
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
204 | Bank Deposit have been deleted successfully |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Receive bulk payment.
API to receive a new bulk payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receiveBulkPaymentDto | body | receiveBulkPaymentDto | Yes | ReceiveBulkPaymentDto«ReceivePaymentResponseDtoIsrael,ReceivePaymentItemResponseDtoIsrael» |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ReceiveBulkPaymentDto |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | ReceiveBulkPaymentDto |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Fetch Deposits
API to fetch existing deposits.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
contactName | query | contactName | No | string |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
docType | query | docType | No | string |
includeUndepositedFunds | query | includeUndepositedFunds | No | boolean |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
paymentDate | query | paymentDate | No | dateTime |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Deposits have been fetched successfully. | ReceivePaymentDto |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Deposit-AdvancePayment knock-off and update its due amount
API to update due amount for Deposit-AdvancePayment while knocking off with other documents
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
knockOffRequests | body | knockOffRequests | Yes | [ KnockOffRequest ] |
Code | Description |
200 | Due amounts updated successfully. |
201 | Created |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Deposit-AdvancePayment entry not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Reconcile transactions
API to reconcile transactions
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receiptCodes | body | receiptCodes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Transactions reconciled successfully. | ResponseEntity |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Get unreconciled receipts/deposits
API to get unreconciled receipts/deposits.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
accountCode | query | accountCode | Yes | string |
amount | query | amount | No | number |
documentDate | query | documentDate | No | dateTime |
statementDate | query | statementDate | No | dateTime |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Unreconciled receipts/deposits fetched successfully. | ReconcileTransactionResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
code | path | code | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Update payment.
API to update existing payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | id | Yes | long |
receivePaymentDto | body | receivePaymentDto | Yes | ReceivePaymentDtoIsrael |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Payment has been updated successfully. | ReceivePaymentDtoIsrael |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Receive Payment India APIs.
Fetch Receive Payments
API to fetch existing make payments.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Receive Payment's have been fetched successfully. | ReceivePaymentDtoIndia |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Receive payment.
API to receive a new payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receivePaymentDto | body | receivePaymentDto | Yes | ReceivePaymentDtoIndia |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ReceivePaymentDtoIndia |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | ReceivePaymentDtoIndia |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
codes | body | codes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete Bank Deposit
API to Delete Bank Deposit
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receivePaymentCode | query | receivePaymentCode | Yes | string |
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
204 | Bank Deposit have been deleted successfully |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Receive bulk payment.
API to receive a new bulk payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receiveBulkPaymentDto | body | receiveBulkPaymentDto | Yes | ReceiveBulkPaymentDto«ReceivePaymentResponseDtoIndia,ReceivePaymentItemResponseDtoIndia» |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ReceiveBulkPaymentDto |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | ReceiveBulkPaymentDto |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make deposit entry
API to make deposit entry.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receivePaymentDto | body | receivePaymentDto | Yes | ReceivePaymentDtoIndia |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ReceivePaymentDto |
201 | Deposit has been done successfully. | ReceivePaymentDto |
400 | Deposit failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Fetch Deposits
API to fetch existing deposits.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
contactName | query | contactName | No | string |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
docType | query | docType | No | string |
includeUndepositedFunds | query | includeUndepositedFunds | No | boolean |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
paymentDate | query | paymentDate | No | dateTime |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Deposits have been fetched successfully. | ReceivePaymentDto |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Import Get Paid.
API to import get paid.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receivePaymentDtos | body | receivePaymentDtos | Yes | [ ReceivePaymentDtoIndia ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | BulkApiResponse |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | BulkApiResponse |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Reconcile transactions
API to reconcile transactions
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receiptCodes | body | receiptCodes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Transactions reconciled successfully. | ResponseEntity |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Get unreconciled receipts/deposits
API to get unreconciled receipts/deposits.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
accountCode | query | accountCode | Yes | string |
amount | query | amount | No | number |
documentDate | query | documentDate | No | dateTime |
statementDate | query | statementDate | No | dateTime |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Unreconciled receipts/deposits fetched successfully. | ReconcileTransactionResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
code | path | code | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Update payment.
API to update existing payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | id | Yes | long |
receivePaymentDto | body | receivePaymentDto | Yes | ReceivePaymentDtoIndia |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Payment has been updated successfully. | ReceivePaymentDtoIndia |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Receive Payment Philippines APIs.
Fetch Receive Payments
API to fetch existing make payments.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Receive Payment's have been fetched successfully. | ReceivePaymentDtoPhilippines |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Receive payment.
API to receive a new payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receivePaymentDto | body | receivePaymentDto | Yes | ReceivePaymentDtoPhilippines |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ReceivePaymentDtoPhilippines |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | ReceivePaymentDtoPhilippines |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
codes | body | codes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete Bank Deposit
API to Delete Bank Deposit
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receivePaymentCode | query | receivePaymentCode | Yes | string |
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
204 | Bank Deposit have been deleted successfully |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Receive bulk payment.
API to receive a new bulk payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receiveBulkPaymentDto | body | receiveBulkPaymentDto | Yes | ReceiveBulkPaymentDto«ReceivePaymentResponseDtoPhilippines,ReceivePaymentItemResponseDtoPhilippines» |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ReceiveBulkPaymentDto |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | ReceiveBulkPaymentDto |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Fetch Deposits
API to fetch existing deposits.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
contactName | query | contactName | No | string |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
docType | query | docType | No | string |
includeUndepositedFunds | query | includeUndepositedFunds | No | boolean |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
paymentDate | query | paymentDate | No | dateTime |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Deposits have been fetched successfully. | ReceivePaymentDto |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Deposit-AdvancePayment knock-off and update its due amount
API to update due amount for Deposit-AdvancePayment while knocking off with other documents
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
knockOffRequests | body | knockOffRequests | Yes | [ KnockOffRequest ] |
Code | Description |
200 | Due amounts updated successfully. |
201 | Created |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Deposit-AdvancePayment entry not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Reconcile transactions
API to reconcile transactions
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
receiptCodes | body | receiptCodes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Transactions reconciled successfully. | ResponseEntity |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Get unreconciled receipts/deposits
API to get unreconciled receipts/deposits.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
accountCode | query | accountCode | Yes | string |
amount | query | amount | No | number |
documentDate | query | documentDate | No | dateTime |
statementDate | query | statementDate | No | dateTime |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Unreconciled receipts/deposits fetched successfully. | ReconcileTransactionResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
code | path | code | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Update payment.
API to update existing payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | id | Yes | long |
receivePaymentDto | body | receivePaymentDto | Yes | ReceivePaymentDtoPhilippines |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Payment has been updated successfully. | ReceivePaymentDtoPhilippines |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Data Correction Controller
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
invoice | query | invoice | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | [ MakePaymentDto ] |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Payment Integration APIs.
Get connected payment accounts.
API to get connected payment accounts.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
documentCurrency | query | documentCurrency | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Connected payment accounts fetched successfully. | object |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Connected payment accounts not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Get payment link for document
API to get payment link for document.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
paymentLinkRequestDto | body | paymentLinkRequestDto | Yes | PaymentLinkRequestDto |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Getting payment link successfully. | object |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Getting payment link failed. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ AbstractMakePaymentItemDto ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayTo | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
billTo | Address | Bill to address | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isUnDepositedPayment | boolean | Whether the current payment is un-deposited or not. | No |
journalEntryBankTransferRequestDto | JournalEntryBankTransferRequestDto | Bank Transfer Request DTO for Journal Entry | No |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
receivePaymentFeeDtoList | [ ReceivePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the received payment | No |
receivePaymentItemDtoList | [ AbstractReceivePaymentItemDto ] | Receive payment items information. | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
sentEmail | boolean | Send Customer Email Example: false | No |
shipFrom | Address | Ship from address | No |
shipTo | Address | Ship to address | No |
unDepositedEntriesReconciled | [ UnDepositedEntriesReconciled ] | Reconciled un-deposited entries | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCode | string | Account code Example: "SA" | No |
accountGroup | string | Account group | No |
accountGroupId | string | Account group | No |
accountNature | string | Account Nature Example: "ASSET" | No |
accountSubGroup | string | Account group | No |
accountSubGroupName | string | Account group | No |
balance | number | Balance Amount Example: 999.99 | No |
balanceInAccountCurrency | number | Balance Amount in Account Currency Example: 999.99 | No |
code | string | Account code | No |
currency | string | Account Currency | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Account Description Example: "Savings account" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Base to Foreign Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | Account ID. Example: 1 | No |
isCreditCard | boolean | Is account is credit card account or not Example: false | No |
isDefault | boolean | Default Account Status Example: true | No |
isSubAccount | boolean | Flag to confirm Subaccount Example: false | No |
isTdsApplicable | boolean | Is TDS applicable or not Example: false | No |
isUndepositedFundAccount | boolean | Account is Undeposited fund account or not Example: true | No |
name | string | Account Name Example: "Savings account" | No |
natureOfIncomePayment | string | Nature of income payment Example: "Interest on Securities" | No |
openingBalance | number | Opening Balance Amount in Base currency Example: 999.99 | No |
openingBalanceCdType | string | Opening balance Credit/Debit Type Example: "DEBIT" | No |
openingBalanceEditable | boolean | Account Opening Balance editable or not Example: true | No |
openingBalanceInAccountCurrency | number | Opening Balance Amount in Account currency Example: 999.99 | No |
parent | long | Parent AccountId Example: 2431252 | No |
parentName | string | Parent Name Example: 2431252 | No |
status | string | Account Status Example: "ACTIVE" | No |
taxCode | string | Account Tax | No |
totalBalance | number | Summation of Opening Balance and Balance Example: 999.99 | No |
totalBalanceInAccountCurrency | number | Summation of Opening Balance and Balance in Account Currency Example: 999.99 | No |
totalCOABalance | number | Summation of Opening Balance and Balance with Nature Example: 999.99 | No |
totalCOABalanceInAccountCurrency | number | Summation of Opening Balance and Balance with Nature in Account Currency Example: 999.99 | No |
usedChequeNumbers | string | Used Cheque Series Example: "301,302" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
additionalChargeAmount | number | No | |
additionalChargeTaxAmount | number | No | |
additionalChargesDetails | [ AdditionalChargesDetails ] | No | |
globalDiscount | GlobalDiscountDetails | No | |
globalDiscounts | [ GlobalDiscountDetails ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
additionalCharge | string | No | |
additionalChargeAccountCode | string | No | |
addtionalChargeTax | string | No | |
addtionalChargeTaxCode | string | No | |
apportionFlag | boolean | No | |
apportionValue | string | Enum: "APPORTION_MANUAL" , "APPORTION_ON_QTY" , "APPORTION_ON_VALUE" | No |
cgst | number | No | |
chargeAmount | number | No | |
igst | number | No | |
includeInReport | boolean | No | |
isPercent | boolean | No | |
isPreCharge | boolean | No | |
percent | number | No | |
sgst | number | No | |
taxAmount | number | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
address1 | string | Address line 1 Example: "218, Robinson Road" | No |
address2 | string | Address line 2 Example: "Downtown" | No |
city | string | City Example: "C001" | No |
contactName | string | contact name for address Example: "John Smith" | No |
country | string | Country Example: "C001" | No |
destinationOfSupply | string | state in India Example: "Maharashtra" | No |
placeOfSupply | string | state in India Example: "Punjab" | No |
postalCode | string | Postal Code Example: 123456 | No |
preferred | boolean | Is this a default address? Example: true | No |
state | string | State Example: "CS001" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
contactCode | string | No | |
contactName | string | No | |
dueAmount | number | No | |
totalAmount | number | No | |
usedAmount | number | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
acquiredCost | number | Acquired cost of the entire serial or batch Example: 1 | No |
advancedTrackingReturned | AdvancedTrackingReturned | No | |
batchSize | double | Serial Number or Batch size Example: 1 | Yes |
batchSizeAvailableForReturn | double | How much of the batch or serial is fulfilled Example: 1 | Yes |
batchSizeFulfilled | double | How much of the batch or serial is fulfilled Example: 1 | Yes |
batchSizeReturned | double | How much of the batch or serial is returned Example: 1 | Yes |
batchSizeReturnedPurchase | double | How much of the batch or serial is returned Example: 1 | Yes |
binCode | string | bin code Example: "BIN-00001" | Yes |
binName | string | bin Name Example: "Bin 1" | Yes |
expiryDate | dateTime | Expiry date. Date Format is dd-mm-yyyy. Applicable when AdvancedTrackingType is Batch Example: "01-01-2020" | No |
id | long | No | |
manufacturingDate | dateTime | Manufacturing date. Date Format is dd-mm-yyyy. Applicable when AdvancedTrackingType is Batch Example: "01-01-2020" | No |
productVariantCode | string | Product code Example: "P-001" | Yes |
rackCode | string | Rack code Example: "RACK-00001" | Yes |
rackName | string | Rack Name Example: "Rack 1" | Yes |
reservedQuantity | double | Reserved Serial Number or Batch size Example: 1 | No |
reservedQuantityFulfilled | double | Fulfilled reserved serial number or batch size Example: 1 | Yes |
rowCode | string | Row code Example: "ROW-00001" | Yes |
rowName | string | Row Name Example: "Row 1" | Yes |
sequence | long | Sequence number Example: 1 | No |
serialBatchNumber | string | Serial Number or Batch Number Example: "BATCH-001" | Yes |
subSequence | long | Subsequence number Example: 1 | No |
warehouseCode | string | Primary Warehouse Example: "WH-0000001" | No |
warehouseName | string | Primary Warehouse Example: "warehouse name" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
batchSizeReturned | double | No | |
batchSizeReturnedPurchase | double | No | |
returnsByDoc | [ AdvancedTrackingReturnedByDoc ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
documentCode | string | No | |
qtyReturned | double | No | |
returnType | string | Enum: "SALES_RETURN" , "PURCHASE_RETURN" | No |
transactionRefCode | string | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
deferralAccountCode | string | No | |
endDate | dateTime | No | |
startDate | dateTime | No | |
templateCode | string | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
active | boolean | Is Asset Group active? Example: true | No |
assetAccountCode | string | Asset Account Code Example: "AC-0000001" | No |
assetAccountDisplayCode | string | Asset Account Display Code Example: "Acc00001" | No |
assetAccountName | string | Asset Account Name Example: "Computer Equipment Asset Account" | No |
assetAccumulatedAccountCode | string | Asset Accumulated Account Code Example: "AC-0000002" | No |
assetAccumulatedAccountDisplayCode | string | Asset Accumulated Account Display Code Example: "Acc00002" | No |
assetAccumulatedAccountName | string | Asset Accumulated Account Name Example: "Computer Equipment Accumulated Account" | No |
decliningFactor | number | Declining Factor Example: 1 | No |
depreciationConvention | string | Depreciation Convention Enum: "FULL_MONTH" , "ACTUAL_DATE" Example: "FULL_MONTH" | No |
depreciationExpenseAccountCode | string | Depreciation Expense Account Code Example: "AC-0000003" | No |
depreciationExpenseAccountDisplayCode | string | Depreciation Expense Account Display Code Example: "Acc00003" | No |
depreciationExpenseAccountName | string | Depreciation Expense Account Name Example: "Computer Equipment Depreciation Account" | No |
depreciationMethod | string | Depreciation Method Enum: "NO_DEPRECIATION" , "STRAIGHT_LINE" , "DECLINING_BALANCE" , "INSTANT_ASSET_WRITE_OFF" Example: "STRAIGHT_LINE" | No |
depreciationRate | number | Depreciation Rate Example: 1 | No |
effectiveLife | number | Effective Life Example: 2 | No |
hsnOrSacCode | string | HSN or SAC Code Example: "011" | No |
id | long | Id Example: 1 | No |
name | string | Asset Group Name Example: "IT Hardware" | No |
purchaseTaxCode | string | GST Tax Code Example: "TX-0000003" | No |
uqcIndia | string | UQC Example: "BAGS" | No |
viewOnly | boolean | Is Asset Group view-only? Example: true | No |
writeOffAccountCode | string | Write off Account Code Example: "AC-0000002" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
assetGroupId | long | Asset Group Id Example: 1 | No |
currency | string | Currency Example: "USD" | No |
decliningFactor | number | Declining Factor Example: 2.5 | No |
depreciationConvention | string | Depreciation Convention Enum: "FULL_MONTH" , "ACTUAL_DATE" Example: "FULL_MONTH" | No |
depreciationMethod | string | Depreciation Method Enum: "NO_DEPRECIATION" , "STRAIGHT_LINE" , "DECLINING_BALANCE" , "INSTANT_ASSET_WRITE_OFF" Example: "STRAIGHT_LINE" | No |
depreciationRate | number | Depreciation Rate Example: 66.66 | No |
depreciationStartDate | dateTime | Depreciation Start Date Example: "20-06-2019" | No |
depreciationThreshold | number | Depreciation Threshold Example: 8765.43 | No |
description | string | Asset Description Example: "Computer for developers" | No |
discount | number | No | |
discountInPercent | boolean | No | |
documentCode | string | No | |
documentItemCode | string | No | |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence Code Example: "FA-0000001" | No |
documentType | string | No | |
effectiveLife | number | Effective Life Example: 1.5 | No |
errors | [ string ] | No | |
expenseBillCode | string | Expense Bill Code Example: "BUY-0000001" | No |
id | long | Id Example: 1 | No |
installationDate | dateTime | Installation Date Example: "20-06-2019" | No |
name | string | Asset Name Example: "Computer" | No |
openingAccumulatedDepreciation | number | Opening Accumulated Depreciation Example: 1234.56 | No |
openingAsset | boolean | Is this an Opening Asset Example: false | No |
profitLossAccountCode | string | Profit/Loss Account Code Example: "AC-0000001" | No |
purchaseDate | dateTime | Purchase Date Example: "20-06-2019" | No |
purchaseInvoiceId | long | No | |
purchaseInvoiceRequest | PurchaseInvoiceRequest | No | |
purchasePrice | number | Purchase Price Example: 9999.99 | No |
residualValue | number | Residual Value Example: 1234.56 | No |
salesIncomeAccountCode | string | Sales/Income Account Code Example: "AC-0000001" | No |
sequenceFormat | string | Document Sequence Format Example: "FA-0000000" | No |
serialNumber | string | Serial Number Example: "ABCD123456" | No |
taxAmount | number | No | |
taxCode | string | No | |
totalAmount | number | No | |
warehouse | string | Warehouse Code Example: "WH-0000001" | No |
warrantyEndDate | string | Warranty End Date Example: "01-11-2024" | No |
warrantyStartDate | string | Warranty Start Date Example: "01-11-2023" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
attachmentDate | dateTime | No | |
attachmentFileName | string | No | |
attachmentId | long | No | |
attachmentSize | string | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | long | Attribute ID Example: "Id" | No |
name | string | Attribute Name Example: "Colour" | No |
values | [ string ] | Attribute values | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
barcodeField | string | No | |
hideBarcodeLabel | boolean | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
bomMetaDetailsId | long | id of bomMetaDetailsId Example: 1234 | No |
bomMetaName | string | BOM Meta Name Example: "DEFAULT" | No |
label | string | Name of manufacturing service Example: "Labour charges" | No |
price | number | Quantity of product in bom Example: 10.5 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
active | boolean | bom meta details status Example: true | No |
bomAddCostConfiguration | [ BomAdditionalCostDto ] | Bom additional cost information | No |
bomOperationsConfiguration | [ BomOperationDto ] | Bom Operations information | No |
bomProductCostDetails | [ BomProductCostDetails ] | JSON object for custom fields Example: {"field1":"value1","field2":"value2"} | No |
bomProductsConfiguration | [ BomMetaDto ] | Bom Products information | No |
code | string | bom meta details code Example: "code" | No |
deleted | boolean | bom meta details delete status Example: true | No |
id | long | id of bom meta details Example: 1234 | No |
isDefault | boolean | bom default Example: true | No |
name | string | bom meta details name Example: "bom meta name" | No |
productId | string | id of bom product Example: 1234 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
bomMetaDetailsId | long | id of bomMetaDetailsId Example: 1234 | No |
bomMetaName | string | BOM Meta Name Example: "DEFAULT" | No |
bomProductSubstitutesDetails | [ ProductSubstitutesDetails ] | No | |
cost | number | Cost of product in bom Example: 10.5 | No |
itemId | long | id of item in bom Example: 1234 | No |
itemName | string | Product Name Example: "Apple" | Yes |
produceProductType | string | Produce Product type Enum: "NONE" , "SCRAP" , "COPRODUCT" Example: "SCRAP" | Yes |
productCode | string | No | |
quantity | number | Quantity of product in bom Example: 10.5 | No |
stockUom | long | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
bomMetaDetailsId | long | id of bomMetaDetailsId Example: 1234 | No |
bomMetaName | string | BOM Meta Name Example: "DEFAULT" | No |
costPerHour | number | Cost of operation in bom Example: 10.5 | No |
fixedRate | number | Cost of operation in bom Example: 10.5 | No |
operationId | long | id of operation in bom Example: 1234 | No |
operationName | string | Operation Name Example: "Apple" | Yes |
totalCost | number | Cost of operation in bom Example: 10.5 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
operationCost | number | Operation Cost Example: 15 | No |
rawMaterialCost | number | Raw material cost Example: 20 | No |
totalCost | number | Total cost Example: 35 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
failure | [ object ] | No | |
statusCode | integer | No | |
success | [ object ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
failure | [ MakePaymentResponseDto ] | No | |
statusCode | integer | No | |
success | [ MakePaymentResponseDto ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
failure | [ ReceivePaymentResponseDtoIndia ] | No | |
statusCode | integer | No | |
success | [ ReceivePaymentResponseDtoIndia ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
failure | [ ReceivePaymentResponseDto ] | No | |
statusCode | integer | No | |
success | [ ReceivePaymentResponseDto ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | No | |
documentCode | string | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
chequeNumberStart | long | No | |
documentCodes | string | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
documentCode | string | No | |
printStatus | string | Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
attentionTo | string | the contact name in govt agency Example: "Peter Parker" | No |
autoCharge | boolean | Auto payment charge Example: false | No |
billingAddress | [ Address ] | List of Billing Address. | No |
businessUnit | string | indicates the contact is govt agency Example: "CAA01 - Cvl Avtn Authrty of Singapore" | No |
contactMasterId | string (uuid) | contact master id Example: "2df7a5c1-3305-498d-8d01-aa92c42d19d2" | No |
contactNumber | string | Contact number Example: "+65999999999" | No |
creditLimit | number | Credit Limit Example: 100 | No |
creditLimitInBaseCurrency | number | Credit Limit In Org Currency Example: 100 | No |
currencyCode | string | Currency code Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | JSON object for custom fields Example: {"field1":"value1","field2":"value2"} | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Contact Sequence code Example: "C-0000001" | No |
emailId | string | contact email address Example: "" | No |
extCompanyName | string | the company name from external app Example: "QuickBook" | No |
intercompanyType | string | Contact Type either parent or subsidiary Enum: "PARENT" , "SUBSIDIARY" Example: "PARENT/SUBSIDIARY" | No |
invoiceCreditLimitType | string | Invoice Credit Limit Type Enum: "IGNORE" , "WARN" , "BLOCK" Example: "IGNORE" | No |
invoices | object | No | |
isAccountNumberFlag | boolean | indicates if user is sending account number or code Example: true | No |
isCreditLimitApplicable | boolean | Contact credit limit applicable Example: true | No |
isIncludeCurrentInvoice | boolean | Include Current Invoice Example: true | No |
isIncludeCurrentQuotation | boolean | Include Current Quotation Example: true | No |
isIncludeCurrentSalesOrder | boolean | Include Current Sales Order Example: false | No |
name | string | Contact name Example: "Sam" | No |
payableAccountCode | string | Payable account code Example: "AC002" | No |
paymentTermCode | string | Payment term code Example: "Net 0" | No |
peppolId | string | Peppol ID Example: "u000:11::11293" | No |
purchasePriceLists | [ long ] | Set of Purchase price lists Example: [123,456] | No |
quotationCreditLimitType | string | Quotation Credit Limit Type Enum: "IGNORE" , "WARN" , "BLOCK" Example: "IGNORE" | No |
receivableAccountCode | string | Receivable account code Example: "AC001" | No |
salesOrderCreditLimitType | string | Sales Order Credit Limit Type Enum: "IGNORE" , "WARN" , "BLOCK" Example: "IGNORE" | No |
salesPriceLists | [ long ] | Set of Sales price lists Example: [123,456] | No |
sequenceFormat | string | Sequence Format Example: 1 | No |
shippingAddress | [ Address ] | List of Shipping Address. | No |
singaporeGovt | boolean | indicates the contact is govt agency Example: true | No |
taxExempted | boolean | Denotes if customer is tax exempted Example: true | No |
taxExemptionNo | string | Generated tax exemption number Example: "234s-few3-2422" | No |
taxExemptionReason | string | Tax exemption reason Example: "Resale, Federal Agency" | No |
taxNumber | string | Tax number Example: 123456 | No |
uen | string | Contact UEN Example: "DHJEUK" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
address | string | Address Example: "Raffles Place 1" | No |
name | string | Customer name Example: "ABC Pte Ltd" | Yes |
peppolId | string | Peppol ID Example: "u000:1109:uen" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | long | Dimension Id Example: 11567 | No |
label | string | Custom Field Name Example: "Label" | Yes |
module | string | Supported Modules | No |
value | object | Dimension Value Example: "XYZ" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayTo | string | No | |
accountName | string | No | |
amount | number | No | |
amountDue | number | No | |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | No | |
code | string | No | |
contactCode | string | No | |
contactCustomField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | No | |
contactName | string | No | |
currency | string | Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | No | |
documentDate | string | No | |
exchangeRate | number | No | |
gstExchangeRate | number | No | |
id | long | No | |
interCompany | boolean | No | |
isUnDepositedPayment | boolean | No | |
jeCode | string | No | |
memo | string | No | |
opening | boolean | No | |
paymentType | string | Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" | No |
receivePaymentFeeDtoList | [ ReceivePaymentFeeDto ] | No | |
receivePaymentItemDtoList | [ ReceivePaymentItemDto ] | No | |
referenceDate | string | No | |
referenceNumber | string | No | |
subTotal | number | No | |
tax | number | No | |
tenantId | long | No | |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | No | |
whtApplicable | boolean | No | |
whtInfoIsrael | WhtInfoIsrael | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayTo | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
billTo | Address | Bill to address | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactDto | ContactDto | No | |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isUnDepositedPayment | boolean | Whether the current payment is un-deposited or not. | No |
journalEntryBankTransferRequestDto | JournalEntryBankTransferRequestDto | Bank Transfer Request DTO for Journal Entry | No |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
receivePaymentFeeDtoList | [ ReceivePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the received payment | No |
receivePaymentItemDtoList | [ DepositItemInformation ] | Receive payment items information. | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
sentEmail | boolean | Send Customer Email Example: false | No |
shipFrom | Address | Ship from address | No |
shipTo | Address | Ship to address | No |
tdsAccountCode | string | TDS account code Example: "AC-007" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS amount Example: 10 | No |
unDepositedEntriesReconciled | [ UnDepositedEntriesReconciled ] | Reconciled un-deposited entries | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
whtApplicable | boolean | WHT Applicable for Receipt Example: true | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxDto | TaxDto | No | |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
documentCode | string | Document Code. Example: "QO-0000001" | No |
documentCreatedDate | dateTime | Purchase creation date Example: "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Purchase Order Code Example: "0000001" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | UOM Schema Name Example: "UNIT" | No |
schemaId | long | UOM Schema Id Example: 1 | No |
sinkConversionFactor | number | 10 Example: 10 | No |
sinkUOM | long | 2 Example: 2 | No |
sourceConversionFactor | number | 1 Example: 1 | No |
sourceUOM | long | 4 Example: 4 | No |
uid | string | UOM Schema Definition Id Example: 1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | No | |
name | string | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | No | |
accountName | string | No | |
amount | number | No | |
amountDue | number | No | |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | No | |
code | string | No | |
contactCode | string | No | |
contactCustomField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | No | |
contactName | string | No | |
currency | string | Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | No | |
documentDate | string | No | |
exchangeRate | number | No | |
gstExchangeRate | number | No | |
id | long | No | |
interCompany | boolean | No | |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
jeCode | string | No | |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemDto ] | No | |
memo | string | No | |
opening | boolean | No | |
paymentType | string | Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" | No |
printStatus | string | Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
referenceDate | string | No | |
referenceNumber | string | No | |
subTotal | number | No | |
tax | number | No | |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | No | |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | No | |
tenantId | long | No | |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | No | |
whtInfoIsrael | WhtInfoIsrael | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactDto | ContactDto | No | |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ ExpenseItemInformation ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
whtApplicable | boolean | WHT Applicable for make payment Example: true | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxDto | TaxDto | No | |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
categoryName | string | QUOTE,INVOICE etc Example: "QUOTE" | Yes |
customTemplate | boolean | Invoice Custom Template flag Example: false | No |
documentCode | string | Document system number , could be invoice number, quotation number etc. Example: "00001" | No |
documentNumber | string | Document number , could be invoice number, quotation number etc. Example: "00001" | No |
fileName | string | File name of the template Example: "QUOTE.DOCX" | No |
headers | [ Map«string,object» ] | No | |
moduleName | string | ERP,CRM,HRMS Example: "ERP" | Yes |
skipDocumentTemplateMapping | boolean | Skip document template mapping Example: false | No |
templateId | long | Template id Example: 12 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCode | string | No | |
amount | number | No | |
isPercent | boolean | No | |
isSubTotalOnly | boolean | No | |
name | string | No | |
percent | number | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
availableQuantity | double | Available quantity Example: 100 | No |
binCode | string | bin code Example: "BIN-00001" | Yes |
binName | string | bin name Example: "BIN-NAME" | No |
costOfGoodsSoldAccountCode | string | Cost of goods sold account code Example: "A-10231" | Yes |
inventoryAccountCode | string | Inventory account code Example: "A-10232" | Yes |
inventoryAccountName | string | Inventory account name Example: "Inventory Account" | Yes |
landedCostWeight | number | Landed cost weight value Example: 10.5 | No |
openingQuantity | double | Opening quantity Example: 10 | No |
openingValuation | double | Opening valuation Example: 100.4 | No |
rackCode | string | Rack code Example: "RACK-00001" | Yes |
rackName | string | Rack name Example: "RACK-NAME" | No |
reservedQuantity | double | Reserved quantity Example: 100 | No |
rowCode | string | Row code Example: "ROW-00001" | Yes |
rowName | string | Row name Example: "ROW-NAME" | No |
stockAdjustmentAccountCode | string | Stock adjustment account code Example: "A-10234" | Yes |
warehouseCode | string | Warehouse code Example: "WH-00001" | Yes |
wipInventoryAccountCode | string | WIP Inventory account code Example: "A-10233" | Yes |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
availableQuantity | number | Available quantity Example: 100 | No |
openingQuantity | number | Opening quantity Example: 10 | No |
openingValuation | number | Opening Valuation Example: 1000 | No |
warehouseCode | string | Warehouse code Example: "WH-00001" | Yes |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
currency | string | No | |
documentCode | string | document code Example: "SI-0000041" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence Code Example: "00000001" | No |
dueAmount | number | due amount Example: 46 | No |
exchangeRate | number | No | |
id | long | ID Example: 43 | No |
invoiceDate | dateTime | invoice date Example: "2018-10-01" | No |
invoiceDueDate | dateTime | invoice due date Example: "2018-10-01" | No |
memo | string | memo Example: "test" | No |
purchaseOrderRefNo | string | Contact PO reference number Example: "CPO001" | No |
status | string | Enum: "OPEN" , "DRAFT" , "CLOSED" | No |
supplierInvoiceNo | string | Contact supplier invoice number Example: "CSI001" | No |
taxAmount | number | Total Amount Example: 1 | No |
totalAmount | number | total amount Example: 46 | No |
totalAmountInBaseCurrency | number | total amount in base currency Example: 46 | No |
type | string | sale invoice or purchase invoice Example: "sale_invoice" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
fulfillmentId | string | No | |
siAmount | number | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
baseAmount | number | Base amount for tax calculation Example: 200 | No |
contactName | string | Contact Name Example: "Abacus Limited" | No |
taxCode | string | Tax Code Example: "TX-0000001" | No |
taxName | string | Tax Name Example: "GST(BL)@7.00%" | No |
taxPercent | number | Tax Percent Example: 7 | No |
taxSequence | string | Tax Sequence Example: "GST(BL)@7.00%" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | amount Example: 1 | No |
bankToBaseExchangeRate | number | If From bank is in foreign currency and To bank in another or same foreign currency Example: 1 | No |
chequeDate | dateTime | date pattern dd-MM-yyyy | No |
chequePrinted | boolean | cheque printed Example: false | No |
contactCode | string | JE Contact Id Example: 1 | No |
currency | string | currency ID Example: "SGD" | Yes |
currencyExchangeRate | number | JE Currency Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
documentCode | string | JE Document Number Example: "PI0001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Purchase Order Code Example: "0000001" | No |
fromAccount | long | from account Example: 1 | No |
generateCNDN | boolean | Generate CN DN for JE Example: false | No |
id | long | Journal Entry ID Example: 1 | No |
includeGSTReport | boolean | Include JE in GST Report Example: true | No |
jeCode | string | JE Number Example: "JE-0000001" | No |
jeDate | dateTime | date pattern dd-MM-yyyy Example: "06-11-2019" | Yes |
journalEntryRecurringDto | JournalEntryRecurringDto | Journal Entry Recurring Meta Data | No |
lineItems | [ JournalEntryLineItemsDto ] | Journal Entry Line Items | Yes |
memo | string | JE Memo Example: "memo" | No |
nextJEDate | dateTime | date pattern dd-MM-yyyy Example: "16-11-2019" | Yes |
opening | boolean | Opening Example: false | No |
parentJeId | long | Parent JE ID | No |
paymentMethod | string | payment method Example: 1 | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring JE Status Example: false | No |
recurringJE | boolean | Recurring JE Example: false | No |
toAccount | long | to account Example: 1 | No |
transferDate | dateTime | date pattern dd-MM-yyyy | Yes |
transferNumber | string | transfer number Example: 1 | No |
transferType | string | BANK_TRANSFER | No |
type | string | JE Type Example: "NORMAL_JE" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCode | string | Account Id Example: 1 | No |
accountName | string | Account Name Example: "Deskera" | No |
amount | number | amount Example: 0 | No |
amountInDocumentCurrency | number | amount in document currency Example: 0 | No |
cdType | string | Credit Debit Type Example: "DEBIT" | No |
cfield | object | No | |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | JE Line Items Description Example: "credit description" | No |
gstTypeIndia | string | GST type Enum: "CGST" , "SGST" , "IGST" , "CESS" Example: "IGST" | No |
id | long | Journal Entry Line Items ID Example: 1 | No |
jeLineItemMetaData | JELineItemMetaData | JE line items metadata | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
jeRecurringCount | integer | Journal Entry Recurring Count Example: 1 | No |
journalEntryID | long | Journal Entry Id Example: 1 | No |
memo | [ RecurringJournalEntryMemo ] | Journal entry memo | No |
recurrenceEndDate | dateTime | Yes | |
recurrenceFrequency | string | Journal Entry Recurrence Frequency Example: "WEEK" | No |
recurrenceType | integer | Journal Entry Recurrence Example: 1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | No | |
bulkData | [ BulkPaymentItem ] | No | |
contraDocumentCode | string | No | |
currency | string | No | |
documentCode | string | No | |
documentDate | dateTime | No | |
documentOrder | integer | No | |
exchangeRate | number | No | |
linkedDocumentSequence | string | No | |
linkedWhileCreatingNote | boolean | No | |
uid | string (uuid) | No | |
whtAmount | number | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Amount Example: 100 | No |
currency | string | Currency Code Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | Yes |
documentCode | string | Unique system generated document code Example: "SI-0000001" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Currency Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
knockOffDate | dateTime | Knock off Date with pattern dd-mm-yyyy Example: "06-11-2019" | Yes |
linkedDocumentSequence | string | Document Sequence Code Example: "SI-0000001" | No |
paymentCode | string | Unique system generated payment/receipt code Example: "MP-0000001" | No |
uid | string (uuid) | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
allocationType | string | Enum: "QUANTITY" , "VALUE" , "WEIGHT" , "MANUAL" , "CUSTOM_DUTY" | No |
name | string | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
allocationType | string | Enum: "QUANTITY" , "VALUE" , "WEIGHT" , "MANUAL" , "CUSTOM_DUTY" | No |
categoryName | string | No | |
landedCostCategory | string | No | |
productDetails | [ LandedCostProductDetails ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
allocatedCost | number | No | |
customDutyAndOtherCharges | number | No | |
gstRate | string | No | |
hsncode | string | No | |
igst | number | No | |
product | string | No | |
productId | string | No | |
quantity | number | No | |
taxableValueForCustomDuty | number | No | |
taxableValueForIGST | number | No | |
totalAmount | number | No | |
unitPrice | number | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Payment amount Example: 100 | No |
amountInBaseCurrency | number | Payment amount in Base Currency Example: 100 | No |
code | string | Sequence code Example: "MBP-0000001" | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: "C-0000001" | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Payment Date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentList | [ AbstractMakePaymentResponseDto«AbstractMakePaymentItemDto» ] | List of make payments Example: [] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Payment amount Example: 100 | No |
amountInBaseCurrency | number | Payment amount in Base Currency Example: 100 | No |
code | string | Sequence code Example: "MBP-0000001" | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: "C-0000001" | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Payment Date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentList | [ MakePaymentResponseDto ] | List of make payments Example: [] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Payment amount Example: 100 | No |
amountInBaseCurrency | number | Payment amount in Base Currency Example: 100 | No |
code | string | Sequence code Example: "MBP-0000001" | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: "C-0000001" | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Payment Date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentList | [ MakePaymentResponseDtoIndia ] | List of make payments Example: [] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Payment amount Example: 100 | No |
amountInBaseCurrency | number | Payment amount in Base Currency Example: 100 | No |
code | string | Sequence code Example: "MBP-0000001" | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: "C-0000001" | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Payment Date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentList | [ MakePaymentResponseDtoIndonesia ] | List of make payments Example: [] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Payment amount Example: 100 | No |
amountInBaseCurrency | number | Payment amount in Base Currency Example: 100 | No |
code | string | Sequence code Example: "MBP-0000001" | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: "C-0000001" | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Payment Date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentList | [ MakePaymentResponseDtoIsrael ] | List of make payments Example: [] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Payment amount Example: 100 | No |
amountInBaseCurrency | number | Payment amount in Base Currency Example: 100 | No |
code | string | Sequence code Example: "MBP-0000001" | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: "C-0000001" | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Payment Date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentList | [ MakePaymentResponseDtoPhilippines ] | List of make payments Example: [] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemDto ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
purchaseInvoice | PurchaseInvoiceResponse | No | |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemDtoIndia ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemDtoIndonesia ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
whtApplicable | boolean | WHT Applicable for make payment Example: true | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemDtoIsrael ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
whtApplicable | boolean | WHT Applicable for make payment Example: true | No |
whtInfoIsrael | WhtInfoIsrael | WHT info for make payment | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemDtoPhilippines ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
whtApplicable | boolean | WHT Applicable for make payment Example: true | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
MakePaymentFeeDto | object |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
whtRateInfo | [ WHTRateInfo ] | Line items - WHT Rates information. Example: [{"accountCode":"AC-001","productCode":"P-001","whtAmount":20,"rate":2,"whtSectionToWhtRateId":100}] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
whtRateInfo | [ WHTRateInfo ] | Line items - WHT Rates information. Example: [{"accountCode":"AC-001","productCode":"P-001","whtAmount":20,"rate":2,"whtSectionToWhtRateId":100}] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
paymentMemo | PaymentMemo | Recurring payment memo. Example: "payment memo" | No |
recurringEndDate | dateTime | Recurring payment end date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
recurringFrequency | integer | Recurring frequency. Example: 1 | No |
recurringPaymentCount | integer | Recurring payment count. Example: 2 | No |
recurringType | string | Recurring type. Enum: "DAYS" , "WEEK" , "MONTH" Example: "WEEK" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemResponseDto ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
whtApplicable | boolean | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemResponseDtoIndia ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemResponseDtoIndonesia ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
whtApplicable | boolean | Example: true | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemResponseDtoIsrael ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of |