Make Payment APIs
You will be able to make payment for the goods purchased in buy module under bill. There will be 2 payment type - Cash or Bank transfer.
helps you to make new payment, retrieve a particular payment, update payment, or retrieve a list of payments.
More about Make Payment API documentation
Search Payment
Get make payments by filter criteria. More about search payment
- Allows you to retrieve a list of all make payments.
- Allows you to retrieve a list of make payments based on it's filter criteria.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Make Payment's have been fetched successfully. | MakePaymentDto |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make Payment
Make a new payment. More about make payment
- Allows you to make a new payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | MakePaymentDto |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | MakePaymentDto |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | MakePaymentDto |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Update Payment
Update payment information. More about update payment
- Allows you to update payment information.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | id | Yes | long |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | MakePaymentDto |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Payment has been updated successfully. | MakePaymentDto |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Get Make Payment Expenses
Fetch Expenses
API to fetch existing expenses.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
contactName | query | contactName | No | string |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
docType | query | docType | No | string |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
paymentDate | query | paymentDate | No | dateTime |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Expenses have been fetched successfully. | MakePaymentDto |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
codes | body | codes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make payment.
API to make a new payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | [ MakePaymentDto ] |
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make bulk payment.
API to make a new bulk payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makeBulkPaymentDto | body | makeBulkPaymentDto | Yes | MakeBulkPaymentDto«MakePaymentResponseDto,MakePaymentItemResponseDto» |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | MakeBulkPaymentDto |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | MakeBulkPaymentDto |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete bulk payment.
API to delete bulk payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
code | path | code | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Bulk payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make expense entry
API to make expense entry.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | MakePaymentDto |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | MakePaymentDto |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | MakePaymentDto |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Get Expense details by code.
API to get Expense details by code.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
code | path | code | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Expense details fetched successfully. | ExpenseInformation |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Expense not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Create multiple expenses via import
API to create expenses via import.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makePaymentDtos | body | makePaymentDtos | Yes | [ MakePaymentDto ] |
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make tax group expense entry
API to make tax group expense entry.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | MakePaymentDto |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | MakePaymentDto |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | MakePaymentDto |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
chequeNoGenerateDto | body | chequeNoGenerateDto | Yes | ChequeNoGenerateDto |
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
201 | Created |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Create multiple opening pre payment via import
API to create opening pre payment via import.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
openingPrepaymentRequests | body | openingPrepaymentRequests | Yes | [ MakePaymentDto ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | BulkApiResponse |
201 | Opening pre payment imported successfully. | BulkApiResponse |
400 | Failed to import opening pre payment. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Expense-Prepayment knock-off and update its due amount
API to update due amount for Expense-Prepayment while knocking off with other documents
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
knockOffRequests | body | knockOffRequests | Yes | [ KnockOffRequest ] |
Code | Description |
200 | Due amounts updated successfully. |
201 | Created |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Expense-Prepayment entry not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Reconcile transactions
API to reconcile transactions
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
paymentCodes | body | paymentCodes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Transactions reconciled successfully. | ResponseEntity |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Get Make Payment count for tax
API to fetch Make Payment count for tax
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
taxCodes | body | taxCodes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Tax Make Payment count has been fetched. | object |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
API to map taxlist to item entity for old transactions
API to map taxlist to item entity for old transactions
Code | Description |
200 | Tax mapping for existing records done successfully. |
201 | Created |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Unreconcile transactions
API to unreconcile transactions
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
paymentCodes | body | paymentCodes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Transactions unreconciled successfully. | ResponseEntity |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Get unreconciled payments
API to get unreconciled payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
accountCode | query | accountCode | Yes | string |
amount | query | amount | No | number |
documentDate | query | documentDate | No | dateTime |
statementDate | query | statementDate | No | dateTime |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Unreconciled payments fetched successfully. | ReconcileTransactionResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
chequeStatusDtoList | body | chequeStatusDtoList | Yes | [ ChequeStatusDto ] |
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
201 | Created |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Update knock off information
Api to update knock off information
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
knockOffInfos | body | knockOffInfos | Yes | object |
Code | Description |
200 | Knock off information updated successfully. |
201 | Created |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
code | path | code | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Update payment.
API to update existing payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | id | Yes | long |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | MakePaymentDto |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Payment has been updated successfully. | MakePaymentDto |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make Payment Indonesia APIs.
Fetch Make Payments
API to fetch existing receive payments.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Make Payment's have been fetched successfully. | MakePaymentDtoIndonesia |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make payment.
API to make a new payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | MakePaymentDtoIndonesia |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | MakePaymentDtoIndonesia |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | MakePaymentDtoIndonesia |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
codes | body | codes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make payment.
API to make a new payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | [ MakePaymentDtoIndonesia ] |
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make bulk payment.
API to make a new bulk payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makeBulkPaymentDto | body | makeBulkPaymentDto | Yes | MakeBulkPaymentDto«MakePaymentResponseDtoIndonesia,MakePaymentItemResponseDtoIndonesia» |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | MakeBulkPaymentDto |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | MakeBulkPaymentDto |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make expense entry
API to make expense entry.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | MakePaymentDtoIndonesia |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | MakePaymentDtoIndonesia |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | MakePaymentDtoIndonesia |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Fetch Expenses
API to fetch existing expenses.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
contactName | query | contactName | No | string |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
docType | query | docType | No | string |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
paymentDate | query | paymentDate | No | dateTime |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Expenses have been fetched successfully. | MakePaymentDtoIndonesia |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Expense-Prepayment knock-off and update its due amount
API to update due amount for Expense-Prepayment while knocking off with other documents
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
knockOffRequests | body | knockOffRequests | Yes | [ KnockOffRequest ] |
Code | Description |
200 | Due amounts updated successfully. |
201 | Created |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Expense-Prepayment entry not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Reconcile transactions
API to reconcile transactions
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
paymentCodes | body | paymentCodes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Transactions reconciled successfully. | ResponseEntity |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Get unreconciled payments
API to get unreconciled payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
accountCode | query | accountCode | Yes | string |
amount | query | amount | No | number |
documentDate | query | documentDate | No | dateTime |
statementDate | query | statementDate | No | dateTime |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Unreconciled payments fetched successfully. | ReconcileTransactionResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
code | path | code | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Update payment.
API to update existing payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | id | Yes | long |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | MakePaymentDtoIndonesia |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Payment has been updated successfully. | MakePaymentDtoIndonesia |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make Payment Israel APIs.
Fetch Make Payments
API to fetch existing receive payments.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Make Payment's have been fetched successfully. | MakePaymentDtoIsrael |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make payment.
API to make a new payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | MakePaymentDtoIsrael |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | MakePaymentDtoIsrael |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | MakePaymentDtoIsrael |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
codes | body | codes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make payment.
API to make a new payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | [ MakePaymentDtoIsrael ] |
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make bulk payment.
API to make a new bulk payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makeBulkPaymentDto | body | makeBulkPaymentDto | Yes | MakeBulkPaymentDto«MakePaymentResponseDtoIsrael,MakePaymentItemResponseDtoIsrael» |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | MakeBulkPaymentDto |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | MakeBulkPaymentDto |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make expense entry
API to make expense entry.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | MakePaymentDtoIsrael |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | MakePaymentDtoIsrael |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | MakePaymentDtoIsrael |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Fetch Expenses
API to fetch existing expenses.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
contactName | query | contactName | No | string |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
docType | query | docType | No | string |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
paymentDate | query | paymentDate | No | dateTime |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Expenses have been fetched successfully. | MakePaymentDtoIsrael |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Expense-Prepayment knock-off and update its due amount
API to update due amount for Expense-Prepayment while knocking off with other documents
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
knockOffRequests | body | knockOffRequests | Yes | [ KnockOffRequest ] |
Code | Description |
200 | Due amounts updated successfully. |
201 | Created |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Expense-Prepayment entry not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Reconcile transactions
API to reconcile transactions
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
paymentCodes | body | paymentCodes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Transactions reconciled successfully. | ResponseEntity |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Get unreconciled payments
API to get unreconciled payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
accountCode | query | accountCode | Yes | string |
amount | query | amount | No | number |
documentDate | query | documentDate | No | dateTime |
statementDate | query | statementDate | No | dateTime |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Unreconciled payments fetched successfully. | ReconcileTransactionResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
code | path | code | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Update payment.
API to update existing payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | id | Yes | long |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | MakePaymentDtoIsrael |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Payment has been updated successfully. | MakePaymentDtoIsrael |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make Payment India APIs.
Fetch Make Payments
API to fetch existing receive payments.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Make Payment's have been fetched successfully. | MakePaymentDtoIndia |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make payment.
API to make a new payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | MakePaymentDtoIndia |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | MakePaymentDtoIndia |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | MakePaymentDtoIndia |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
codes | body | codes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make bulk payment.
API to make a new bulk payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makeBulkPaymentDto | body | makeBulkPaymentDto | Yes | MakeBulkPaymentDto«MakePaymentResponseDtoIndia,MakePaymentItemResponseDtoIndia» |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | MakeBulkPaymentDto |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | MakeBulkPaymentDto |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make expense entry
API to make expense entry.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makePaymentDtoIndia | body | makePaymentDtoIndia | Yes | MakePaymentDtoIndia |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | MakePaymentDto |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | MakePaymentDto |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Fetch Expenses
API to fetch existing expenses.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
contactName | query | contactName | No | string |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
docType | query | docType | No | string |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
paymentDate | query | paymentDate | No | dateTime |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Expenses have been fetched successfully. | MakePaymentDto |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Reconcile transactions
API to reconcile transactions
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
paymentCodes | body | paymentCodes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Transactions reconciled successfully. | ResponseEntity |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Get unreconciled payments
API to get unreconciled payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
accountCode | query | accountCode | Yes | string |
amount | query | amount | No | number |
documentDate | query | documentDate | No | dateTime |
statementDate | query | statementDate | No | dateTime |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Unreconciled payments fetched successfully. | ReconcileTransactionResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Update tds processed flag by code
Api to update tds processed flag by code
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
code | path | code | Yes | string |
isTdsProcessed | body | isTdsProcessed | Yes | boolean |
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
204 | No Content |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
code | path | code | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Update payment.
API to update existing payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | id | Yes | long |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | MakePaymentDtoIndia |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Payment has been updated successfully. | MakePaymentDtoIndia |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make Payment Philippines APIs.
Fetch Make Payments
API to fetch existing receive payments.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Make Payment's have been fetched successfully. | MakePaymentDtoPhilippines |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make payment.
API to make a new payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | MakePaymentDtoPhilippines |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | MakePaymentDtoPhilippines |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | MakePaymentDtoPhilippines |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
codes | body | codes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make payment.
API to make a new payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | [ MakePaymentDtoPhilippines ] |
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make bulk payment.
API to make a new bulk payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makeBulkPaymentDto | body | makeBulkPaymentDto | Yes | MakeBulkPaymentDto«MakePaymentResponseDtoPhilippines,MakePaymentItemResponseDtoPhilippines» |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | MakeBulkPaymentDto |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | MakeBulkPaymentDto |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Make expense entry
API to make expense entry.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | MakePaymentDtoPhilippines |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | MakePaymentDtoPhilippines |
201 | Payment has been done successfully. | MakePaymentDtoPhilippines |
400 | Payment failed because of insufficient data. | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Fetch Expenses
API to fetch existing expenses.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
contactName | query | contactName | No | string |
customfield | query | customfield | No | string |
docType | query | docType | No | string |
limit | query | limit | No | integer |
page | query | page | No | integer |
paymentDate | query | paymentDate | No | dateTime |
query | query | query | No | string |
search | query | search | No | string |
sort | query | sort | No | string |
sortDir | query | sortDir | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Expenses have been fetched successfully. | MakePaymentDtoPhilippines |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Expense-Prepayment knock-off and update its due amount
API to update due amount for Expense-Prepayment while knocking off with other documents
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
knockOffRequests | body | knockOffRequests | Yes | [ KnockOffRequest ] |
Code | Description |
200 | Due amounts updated successfully. |
201 | Created |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Expense-Prepayment entry not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Reconcile transactions
API to reconcile transactions
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
paymentCodes | body | paymentCodes | Yes | [ string ] |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Transactions reconciled successfully. | ResponseEntity |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Get unreconciled payments
API to get unreconciled payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
accountCode | query | accountCode | Yes | string |
amount | query | amount | No | number |
documentDate | query | documentDate | No | dateTime |
statementDate | query | statementDate | No | dateTime |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Unreconciled payments fetched successfully. | ReconcileTransactionResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Delete payment.
API to delete payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
code | path | code | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ResponseEntity |
204 | Payment has been deleted successfully. | ResponseEntity |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Update payment.
API to update existing payment.
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | id | Yes | long |
makePaymentDto | body | makePaymentDto | Yes | MakePaymentDtoPhilippines |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Payment has been updated successfully. | MakePaymentDtoPhilippines |
201 | Created | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Payment with id not found. |
Security Schema | Scopes |
Authorization | global |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ AbstractMakePaymentItemDto ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayTo | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
billTo | Address | Bill to address | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isUnDepositedPayment | boolean | Whether the current payment is un-deposited or not. | No |
journalEntryBankTransferRequestDto | JournalEntryBankTransferRequestDto | Bank Transfer Request DTO for Journal Entry | No |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
receivePaymentFeeDtoList | [ ReceivePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the received payment | No |
receivePaymentItemDtoList | [ AbstractReceivePaymentItemDto ] | Receive payment items information. | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
sentEmail | boolean | Send Customer Email Example: false | No |
shipFrom | Address | Ship from address | No |
shipTo | Address | Ship to address | No |
unDepositedEntriesReconciled | [ UnDepositedEntriesReconciled ] | Reconciled un-deposited entries | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCode | string | Account code Example: "SA" | No |
accountGroup | string | Account group | No |
accountGroupId | string | Account group | No |
accountNature | string | Account Nature Example: "ASSET" | No |
accountSubGroup | string | Account group | No |
accountSubGroupName | string | Account group | No |
balance | number | Balance Amount Example: 999.99 | No |
balanceInAccountCurrency | number | Balance Amount in Account Currency Example: 999.99 | No |
code | string | Account code | No |
currency | string | Account Currency | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Account Description Example: "Savings account" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Base to Foreign Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | Account ID. Example: 1 | No |
isCreditCard | boolean | Is account is credit card account or not Example: false | No |
isDefault | boolean | Default Account Status Example: true | No |
isSubAccount | boolean | Flag to confirm Subaccount Example: false | No |
isTdsApplicable | boolean | Is TDS applicable or not Example: false | No |
isUndepositedFundAccount | boolean | Account is Undeposited fund account or not Example: true | No |
name | string | Account Name Example: "Savings account" | No |
natureOfIncomePayment | string | Nature of income payment Example: "Interest on Securities" | No |
openingBalance | number | Opening Balance Amount in Base currency Example: 999.99 | No |
openingBalanceCdType | string | Opening balance Credit/Debit Type Example: "DEBIT" | No |
openingBalanceEditable | boolean | Account Opening Balance editable or not Example: true | No |
openingBalanceInAccountCurrency | number | Opening Balance Amount in Account currency Example: 999.99 | No |
parent | long | Parent AccountId Example: 2431252 | No |
parentName | string | Parent Name Example: 2431252 | No |
status | string | Account Status Example: "ACTIVE" | No |
taxCode | string | Account Tax | No |
totalBalance | number | Summation of Opening Balance and Balance Example: 999.99 | No |
totalBalanceInAccountCurrency | number | Summation of Opening Balance and Balance in Account Currency Example: 999.99 | No |
totalCOABalance | number | Summation of Opening Balance and Balance with Nature Example: 999.99 | No |
totalCOABalanceInAccountCurrency | number | Summation of Opening Balance and Balance with Nature in Account Currency Example: 999.99 | No |
usedChequeNumbers | string | Used Cheque Series Example: "301,302" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
additionalChargeAmount | number | No | |
additionalChargeTaxAmount | number | No | |
additionalChargesDetails | [ AdditionalChargesDetails ] | No | |
globalDiscount | GlobalDiscountDetails | No | |
globalDiscounts | [ GlobalDiscountDetails ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
additionalCharge | string | No | |
additionalChargeAccountCode | string | No | |
addtionalChargeTax | string | No | |
addtionalChargeTaxCode | string | No | |
apportionFlag | boolean | No | |
apportionValue | string | Enum: "APPORTION_MANUAL" , "APPORTION_ON_QTY" , "APPORTION_ON_VALUE" | No |
cgst | number | No | |
chargeAmount | number | No | |
igst | number | No | |
includeInReport | boolean | No | |
isPercent | boolean | No | |
isPreCharge | boolean | No | |
percent | number | No | |
sgst | number | No | |
taxAmount | number | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
address1 | string | Address line 1 Example: "218, Robinson Road" | No |
address2 | string | Address line 2 Example: "Downtown" | No |
city | string | City Example: "C001" | No |
contactName | string | contact name for address Example: "John Smith" | No |
country | string | Country Example: "C001" | No |
destinationOfSupply | string | state in India Example: "Maharashtra" | No |
placeOfSupply | string | state in India Example: "Punjab" | No |
postalCode | string | Postal Code Example: 123456 | No |
preferred | boolean | Is this a default address? Example: true | No |
state | string | State Example: "CS001" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
contactCode | string | No | |
contactName | string | No | |
dueAmount | number | No | |
totalAmount | number | No | |
usedAmount | number | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
acquiredCost | number | Acquired cost of the entire serial or batch Example: 1 | No |
advancedTrackingReturned | AdvancedTrackingReturned | No | |
batchSize | double | Serial Number or Batch size Example: 1 | Yes |
batchSizeAvailableForReturn | double | How much of the batch or serial is fulfilled Example: 1 | Yes |
batchSizeFulfilled | double | How much of the batch or serial is fulfilled Example: 1 | Yes |
batchSizeReturned | double | How much of the batch or serial is returned Example: 1 | Yes |
batchSizeReturnedPurchase | double | How much of the batch or serial is returned Example: 1 | Yes |
binCode | string | bin code Example: "BIN-00001" | Yes |
binName | string | bin Name Example: "Bin 1" | Yes |
expiryDate | dateTime | Expiry date. Date Format is dd-mm-yyyy. Applicable when AdvancedTrackingType is Batch Example: "01-01-2020" | No |
id | long | No | |
manufacturingDate | dateTime | Manufacturing date. Date Format is dd-mm-yyyy. Applicable when AdvancedTrackingType is Batch Example: "01-01-2020" | No |
productVariantCode | string | Product code Example: "P-001" | Yes |
rackCode | string | Rack code Example: "RACK-00001" | Yes |
rackName | string | Rack Name Example: "Rack 1" | Yes |
reservedQuantity | double | Reserved Serial Number or Batch size Example: 1 | No |
reservedQuantityFulfilled | double | Fulfilled reserved serial number or batch size Example: 1 | Yes |
rowCode | string | Row code Example: "ROW-00001" | Yes |
rowName | string | Row Name Example: "Row 1" | Yes |
sequence | long | Sequence number Example: 1 | No |
serialBatchNumber | string | Serial Number or Batch Number Example: "BATCH-001" | Yes |
subSequence | long | Subsequence number Example: 1 | No |
warehouseCode | string | Primary Warehouse Example: "WH-0000001" | No |
warehouseName | string | Primary Warehouse Example: "warehouse name" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
batchSizeReturned | double | No | |
batchSizeReturnedPurchase | double | No | |
returnsByDoc | [ AdvancedTrackingReturnedByDoc ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
documentCode | string | No | |
qtyReturned | double | No | |
returnType | string | Enum: "SALES_RETURN" , "PURCHASE_RETURN" | No |
transactionRefCode | string | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
deferralAccountCode | string | No | |
endDate | dateTime | No | |
startDate | dateTime | No | |
templateCode | string | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
active | boolean | Is Asset Group active? Example: true | No |
assetAccountCode | string | Asset Account Code Example: "AC-0000001" | No |
assetAccountDisplayCode | string | Asset Account Display Code Example: "Acc00001" | No |
assetAccountName | string | Asset Account Name Example: "Computer Equipment Asset Account" | No |
assetAccumulatedAccountCode | string | Asset Accumulated Account Code Example: "AC-0000002" | No |
assetAccumulatedAccountDisplayCode | string | Asset Accumulated Account Display Code Example: "Acc00002" | No |
assetAccumulatedAccountName | string | Asset Accumulated Account Name Example: "Computer Equipment Accumulated Account" | No |
decliningFactor | number | Declining Factor Example: 1 | No |
depreciationConvention | string | Depreciation Convention Enum: "FULL_MONTH" , "ACTUAL_DATE" Example: "FULL_MONTH" | No |
depreciationExpenseAccountCode | string | Depreciation Expense Account Code Example: "AC-0000003" | No |
depreciationExpenseAccountDisplayCode | string | Depreciation Expense Account Display Code Example: "Acc00003" | No |
depreciationExpenseAccountName | string | Depreciation Expense Account Name Example: "Computer Equipment Depreciation Account" | No |
depreciationMethod | string | Depreciation Method Enum: "NO_DEPRECIATION" , "STRAIGHT_LINE" , "DECLINING_BALANCE" , "INSTANT_ASSET_WRITE_OFF" Example: "STRAIGHT_LINE" | No |
depreciationRate | number | Depreciation Rate Example: 1 | No |
effectiveLife | number | Effective Life Example: 2 | No |
hsnOrSacCode | string | HSN or SAC Code Example: "011" | No |
id | long | Id Example: 1 | No |
name | string | Asset Group Name Example: "IT Hardware" | No |
purchaseTaxCode | string | GST Tax Code Example: "TX-0000003" | No |
uqcIndia | string | UQC Example: "BAGS" | No |
viewOnly | boolean | Is Asset Group view-only? Example: true | No |
writeOffAccountCode | string | Write off Account Code Example: "AC-0000002" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
assetGroupId | long | Asset Group Id Example: 1 | No |
currency | string | Currency Example: "USD" | No |
decliningFactor | number | Declining Factor Example: 2.5 | No |
depreciationConvention | string | Depreciation Convention Enum: "FULL_MONTH" , "ACTUAL_DATE" Example: "FULL_MONTH" | No |
depreciationMethod | string | Depreciation Method Enum: "NO_DEPRECIATION" , "STRAIGHT_LINE" , "DECLINING_BALANCE" , "INSTANT_ASSET_WRITE_OFF" Example: "STRAIGHT_LINE" | No |
depreciationRate | number | Depreciation Rate Example: 66.66 | No |
depreciationStartDate | dateTime | Depreciation Start Date Example: "20-06-2019" | No |
depreciationThreshold | number | Depreciation Threshold Example: 8765.43 | No |
description | string | Asset Description Example: "Computer for developers" | No |
discount | number | No | |
discountInPercent | boolean | No | |
documentCode | string | No | |
documentItemCode | string | No | |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence Code Example: "FA-0000001" | No |
documentType | string | No | |
effectiveLife | number | Effective Life Example: 1.5 | No |
errors | [ string ] | No | |
expenseBillCode | string | Expense Bill Code Example: "BUY-0000001" | No |
id | long | Id Example: 1 | No |
installationDate | dateTime | Installation Date Example: "20-06-2019" | No |
name | string | Asset Name Example: "Computer" | No |
openingAccumulatedDepreciation | number | Opening Accumulated Depreciation Example: 1234.56 | No |
openingAsset | boolean | Is this an Opening Asset Example: false | No |
profitLossAccountCode | string | Profit/Loss Account Code Example: "AC-0000001" | No |
purchaseDate | dateTime | Purchase Date Example: "20-06-2019" | No |
purchaseInvoiceId | long | No | |
purchaseInvoiceRequest | PurchaseInvoiceRequest | No | |
purchasePrice | number | Purchase Price Example: 9999.99 | No |
residualValue | number | Residual Value Example: 1234.56 | No |
salesIncomeAccountCode | string | Sales/Income Account Code Example: "AC-0000001" | No |
sequenceFormat | string | Document Sequence Format Example: "FA-0000000" | No |
serialNumber | string | Serial Number Example: "ABCD123456" | No |
taxAmount | number | No | |
taxCode | string | No | |
totalAmount | number | No | |
warehouse | string | Warehouse Code Example: "WH-0000001" | No |
warrantyEndDate | string | Warranty End Date Example: "01-11-2024" | No |
warrantyStartDate | string | Warranty Start Date Example: "01-11-2023" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
attachmentDate | dateTime | No | |
attachmentFileName | string | No | |
attachmentId | long | No | |
attachmentSize | string | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | long | Attribute ID Example: "Id" | No |
name | string | Attribute Name Example: "Colour" | No |
values | [ string ] | Attribute values | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
barcodeField | string | No | |
hideBarcodeLabel | boolean | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
bomMetaDetailsId | long | id of bomMetaDetailsId Example: 1234 | No |
bomMetaName | string | BOM Meta Name Example: "DEFAULT" | No |
label | string | Name of manufacturing service Example: "Labour charges" | No |
price | number | Quantity of product in bom Example: 10.5 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
active | boolean | bom meta details status Example: true | No |
bomAddCostConfiguration | [ BomAdditionalCostDto ] | Bom additional cost information | No |
bomOperationsConfiguration | [ BomOperationDto ] | Bom Operations information | No |
bomProductCostDetails | [ BomProductCostDetails ] | JSON object for custom fields Example: {"field1":"value1","field2":"value2"} | No |
bomProductsConfiguration | [ BomMetaDto ] | Bom Products information | No |
code | string | bom meta details code Example: "code" | No |
deleted | boolean | bom meta details delete status Example: true | No |
id | long | id of bom meta details Example: 1234 | No |
isDefault | boolean | bom default Example: true | No |
name | string | bom meta details name Example: "bom meta name" | No |
productId | string | id of bom product Example: 1234 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
bomMetaDetailsId | long | id of bomMetaDetailsId Example: 1234 | No |
bomMetaName | string | BOM Meta Name Example: "DEFAULT" | No |
bomProductSubstitutesDetails | [ ProductSubstitutesDetails ] | No | |
cost | number | Cost of product in bom Example: 10.5 | No |
itemId | long | id of item in bom Example: 1234 | No |
itemName | string | Product Name Example: "Apple" | Yes |
produceProductType | string | Produce Product type Enum: "NONE" , "SCRAP" , "COPRODUCT" Example: "SCRAP" | Yes |
productCode | string | No | |
quantity | number | Quantity of product in bom Example: 10.5 | No |
stockUom | long | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
bomMetaDetailsId | long | id of bomMetaDetailsId Example: 1234 | No |
bomMetaName | string | BOM Meta Name Example: "DEFAULT" | No |
costPerHour | number | Cost of operation in bom Example: 10.5 | No |
fixedRate | number | Cost of operation in bom Example: 10.5 | No |
operationId | long | id of operation in bom Example: 1234 | No |
operationName | string | Operation Name Example: "Apple" | Yes |
totalCost | number | Cost of operation in bom Example: 10.5 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
operationCost | number | Operation Cost Example: 15 | No |
rawMaterialCost | number | Raw material cost Example: 20 | No |
totalCost | number | Total cost Example: 35 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
failure | [ object ] | No | |
statusCode | integer | No | |
success | [ object ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
failure | [ MakePaymentResponseDto ] | No | |
statusCode | integer | No | |
success | [ MakePaymentResponseDto ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
failure | [ ReceivePaymentResponseDtoIndia ] | No | |
statusCode | integer | No | |
success | [ ReceivePaymentResponseDtoIndia ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
failure | [ ReceivePaymentResponseDto ] | No | |
statusCode | integer | No | |
success | [ ReceivePaymentResponseDto ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | No | |
documentCode | string | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
chequeNumberStart | long | No | |
documentCodes | string | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
documentCode | string | No | |
printStatus | string | Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
attentionTo | string | the contact name in govt agency Example: "Peter Parker" | No |
autoCharge | boolean | Auto payment charge Example: false | No |
billingAddress | [ Address ] | List of Billing Address. | No |
businessUnit | string | indicates the contact is govt agency Example: "CAA01 - Cvl Avtn Authrty of Singapore" | No |
contactMasterId | string (uuid) | contact master id Example: "2df7a5c1-3305-498d-8d01-aa92c42d19d2" | No |
contactNumber | string | Contact number Example: "+65999999999" | No |
creditLimit | number | Credit Limit Example: 100 | No |
creditLimitInBaseCurrency | number | Credit Limit In Org Currency Example: 100 | No |
currencyCode | string | Currency code Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | JSON object for custom fields Example: {"field1":"value1","field2":"value2"} | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Contact Sequence code Example: "C-0000001" | No |
emailId | string | contact email address Example: "" | No |
extCompanyName | string | the company name from external app Example: "QuickBook" | No |
intercompanyType | string | Contact Type either parent or subsidiary Enum: "PARENT" , "SUBSIDIARY" Example: "PARENT/SUBSIDIARY" | No |
invoiceCreditLimitType | string | Invoice Credit Limit Type Enum: "IGNORE" , "WARN" , "BLOCK" Example: "IGNORE" | No |
invoices | object | No | |
isAccountNumberFlag | boolean | indicates if user is sending account number or code Example: true | No |
isCreditLimitApplicable | boolean | Contact credit limit applicable Example: true | No |
isIncludeCurrentInvoice | boolean | Include Current Invoice Example: true | No |
isIncludeCurrentQuotation | boolean | Include Current Quotation Example: true | No |
isIncludeCurrentSalesOrder | boolean | Include Current Sales Order Example: false | No |
name | string | Contact name Example: "Sam" | No |
payableAccountCode | string | Payable account code Example: "AC002" | No |
paymentTermCode | string | Payment term code Example: "Net 0" | No |
peppolId | string | Peppol ID Example: "u000:11::11293" | No |
purchasePriceLists | [ long ] | Set of Purchase price lists Example: [123,456] | No |
quotationCreditLimitType | string | Quotation Credit Limit Type Enum: "IGNORE" , "WARN" , "BLOCK" Example: "IGNORE" | No |
receivableAccountCode | string | Receivable account code Example: "AC001" | No |
salesOrderCreditLimitType | string | Sales Order Credit Limit Type Enum: "IGNORE" , "WARN" , "BLOCK" Example: "IGNORE" | No |
salesPriceLists | [ long ] | Set of Sales price lists Example: [123,456] | No |
sequenceFormat | string | Sequence Format Example: 1 | No |
shippingAddress | [ Address ] | List of Shipping Address. | No |
singaporeGovt | boolean | indicates the contact is govt agency Example: true | No |
taxExempted | boolean | Denotes if customer is tax exempted Example: true | No |
taxExemptionNo | string | Generated tax exemption number Example: "234s-few3-2422" | No |
taxExemptionReason | string | Tax exemption reason Example: "Resale, Federal Agency" | No |
taxNumber | string | Tax number Example: 123456 | No |
uen | string | Contact UEN Example: "DHJEUK" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
address | string | Address Example: "Raffles Place 1" | No |
name | string | Customer name Example: "ABC Pte Ltd" | Yes |
peppolId | string | Peppol ID Example: "u000:1109:uen" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | long | Dimension Id Example: 11567 | No |
label | string | Custom Field Name Example: "Label" | Yes |
module | string | Supported Modules | No |
value | object | Dimension Value Example: "XYZ" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayTo | string | No | |
accountName | string | No | |
amount | number | No | |
amountDue | number | No | |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | No | |
code | string | No | |
contactCode | string | No | |
contactCustomField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | No | |
contactName | string | No | |
currency | string | Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | No | |
documentDate | string | No | |
exchangeRate | number | No | |
gstExchangeRate | number | No | |
id | long | No | |
interCompany | boolean | No | |
isUnDepositedPayment | boolean | No | |
jeCode | string | No | |
memo | string | No | |
opening | boolean | No | |
paymentType | string | Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" | No |
receivePaymentFeeDtoList | [ ReceivePaymentFeeDto ] | No | |
receivePaymentItemDtoList | [ ReceivePaymentItemDto ] | No | |
referenceDate | string | No | |
referenceNumber | string | No | |
subTotal | number | No | |
tax | number | No | |
tenantId | long | No | |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | No | |
whtApplicable | boolean | No | |
whtInfoIsrael | WhtInfoIsrael | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayTo | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
billTo | Address | Bill to address | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactDto | ContactDto | No | |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isUnDepositedPayment | boolean | Whether the current payment is un-deposited or not. | No |
journalEntryBankTransferRequestDto | JournalEntryBankTransferRequestDto | Bank Transfer Request DTO for Journal Entry | No |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
receivePaymentFeeDtoList | [ ReceivePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the received payment | No |
receivePaymentItemDtoList | [ DepositItemInformation ] | Receive payment items information. | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
sentEmail | boolean | Send Customer Email Example: false | No |
shipFrom | Address | Ship from address | No |
shipTo | Address | Ship to address | No |
tdsAccountCode | string | TDS account code Example: "AC-007" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS amount Example: 10 | No |
unDepositedEntriesReconciled | [ UnDepositedEntriesReconciled ] | Reconciled un-deposited entries | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
whtApplicable | boolean | WHT Applicable for Receipt Example: true | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxDto | TaxDto | No | |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
documentCode | string | Document Code. Example: "QO-0000001" | No |
documentCreatedDate | dateTime | Purchase creation date Example: "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Purchase Order Code Example: "0000001" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | UOM Schema Name Example: "UNIT" | No |
schemaId | long | UOM Schema Id Example: 1 | No |
sinkConversionFactor | number | 10 Example: 10 | No |
sinkUOM | long | 2 Example: 2 | No |
sourceConversionFactor | number | 1 Example: 1 | No |
sourceUOM | long | 4 Example: 4 | No |
uid | string | UOM Schema Definition Id Example: 1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | No | |
name | string | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | No | |
accountName | string | No | |
amount | number | No | |
amountDue | number | No | |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | No | |
code | string | No | |
contactCode | string | No | |
contactCustomField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | No | |
contactName | string | No | |
currency | string | Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | No | |
documentDate | string | No | |
exchangeRate | number | No | |
gstExchangeRate | number | No | |
id | long | No | |
interCompany | boolean | No | |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
jeCode | string | No | |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemDto ] | No | |
memo | string | No | |
opening | boolean | No | |
paymentType | string | Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" | No |
printStatus | string | Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
referenceDate | string | No | |
referenceNumber | string | No | |
subTotal | number | No | |
tax | number | No | |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | No | |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | No | |
tenantId | long | No | |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | No | |
whtInfoIsrael | WhtInfoIsrael | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactDto | ContactDto | No | |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ ExpenseItemInformation ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
whtApplicable | boolean | WHT Applicable for make payment Example: true | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxDto | TaxDto | No | |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
categoryName | string | QUOTE,INVOICE etc Example: "QUOTE" | Yes |
customTemplate | boolean | Invoice Custom Template flag Example: false | No |
documentCode | string | Document system number , could be invoice number, quotation number etc. Example: "00001" | No |
documentNumber | string | Document number , could be invoice number, quotation number etc. Example: "00001" | No |
fileName | string | File name of the template Example: "QUOTE.DOCX" | No |
headers | [ Map«string,object» ] | No | |
moduleName | string | ERP,CRM,HRMS Example: "ERP" | Yes |
skipDocumentTemplateMapping | boolean | Skip document template mapping Example: false | No |
templateId | long | Template id Example: 12 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCode | string | No | |
amount | number | No | |
isPercent | boolean | No | |
isSubTotalOnly | boolean | No | |
name | string | No | |
percent | number | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
availableQuantity | double | Available quantity Example: 100 | No |
binCode | string | bin code Example: "BIN-00001" | Yes |
binName | string | bin name Example: "BIN-NAME" | No |
costOfGoodsSoldAccountCode | string | Cost of goods sold account code Example: "A-10231" | Yes |
inventoryAccountCode | string | Inventory account code Example: "A-10232" | Yes |
inventoryAccountName | string | Inventory account name Example: "Inventory Account" | Yes |
landedCostWeight | number | Landed cost weight value Example: 10.5 | No |
openingQuantity | double | Opening quantity Example: 10 | No |
openingValuation | double | Opening valuation Example: 100.4 | No |
rackCode | string | Rack code Example: "RACK-00001" | Yes |
rackName | string | Rack name Example: "RACK-NAME" | No |
reservedQuantity | double | Reserved quantity Example: 100 | No |
rowCode | string | Row code Example: "ROW-00001" | Yes |
rowName | string | Row name Example: "ROW-NAME" | No |
stockAdjustmentAccountCode | string | Stock adjustment account code Example: "A-10234" | Yes |
warehouseCode | string | Warehouse code Example: "WH-00001" | Yes |
wipInventoryAccountCode | string | WIP Inventory account code Example: "A-10233" | Yes |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
availableQuantity | number | Available quantity Example: 100 | No |
openingQuantity | number | Opening quantity Example: 10 | No |
openingValuation | number | Opening Valuation Example: 1000 | No |
warehouseCode | string | Warehouse code Example: "WH-00001" | Yes |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
currency | string | No | |
documentCode | string | document code Example: "SI-0000041" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence Code Example: "00000001" | No |
dueAmount | number | due amount Example: 46 | No |
exchangeRate | number | No | |
id | long | ID Example: 43 | No |
invoiceDate | dateTime | invoice date Example: "2018-10-01" | No |
invoiceDueDate | dateTime | invoice due date Example: "2018-10-01" | No |
memo | string | memo Example: "test" | No |
purchaseOrderRefNo | string | Contact PO reference number Example: "CPO001" | No |
status | string | Enum: "OPEN" , "DRAFT" , "CLOSED" | No |
supplierInvoiceNo | string | Contact supplier invoice number Example: "CSI001" | No |
taxAmount | number | Total Amount Example: 1 | No |
totalAmount | number | total amount Example: 46 | No |
totalAmountInBaseCurrency | number | total amount in base currency Example: 46 | No |
type | string | sale invoice or purchase invoice Example: "sale_invoice" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
fulfillmentId | string | No | |
siAmount | number | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
baseAmount | number | Base amount for tax calculation Example: 200 | No |
contactName | string | Contact Name Example: "Abacus Limited" | No |
taxCode | string | Tax Code Example: "TX-0000001" | No |
taxName | string | Tax Name Example: "GST(BL)@7.00%" | No |
taxPercent | number | Tax Percent Example: 7 | No |
taxSequence | string | Tax Sequence Example: "GST(BL)@7.00%" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | amount Example: 1 | No |
bankToBaseExchangeRate | number | If From bank is in foreign currency and To bank in another or same foreign currency Example: 1 | No |
chequeDate | dateTime | date pattern dd-MM-yyyy | No |
chequePrinted | boolean | cheque printed Example: false | No |
contactCode | string | JE Contact Id Example: 1 | No |
currency | string | currency ID Example: "SGD" | Yes |
currencyExchangeRate | number | JE Currency Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
documentCode | string | JE Document Number Example: "PI0001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Purchase Order Code Example: "0000001" | No |
fromAccount | long | from account Example: 1 | No |
generateCNDN | boolean | Generate CN DN for JE Example: false | No |
id | long | Journal Entry ID Example: 1 | No |
includeGSTReport | boolean | Include JE in GST Report Example: true | No |
jeCode | string | JE Number Example: "JE-0000001" | No |
jeDate | dateTime | date pattern dd-MM-yyyy Example: "06-11-2019" | Yes |
journalEntryRecurringDto | JournalEntryRecurringDto | Journal Entry Recurring Meta Data | No |
lineItems | [ JournalEntryLineItemsDto ] | Journal Entry Line Items | Yes |
memo | string | JE Memo Example: "memo" | No |
nextJEDate | dateTime | date pattern dd-MM-yyyy Example: "16-11-2019" | Yes |
opening | boolean | Opening Example: false | No |
parentJeId | long | Parent JE ID | No |
paymentMethod | string | payment method Example: 1 | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring JE Status Example: false | No |
recurringJE | boolean | Recurring JE Example: false | No |
toAccount | long | to account Example: 1 | No |
transferDate | dateTime | date pattern dd-MM-yyyy | Yes |
transferNumber | string | transfer number Example: 1 | No |
transferType | string | BANK_TRANSFER | No |
type | string | JE Type Example: "NORMAL_JE" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCode | string | Account Id Example: 1 | No |
accountName | string | Account Name Example: "Deskera" | No |
amount | number | amount Example: 0 | No |
amountInDocumentCurrency | number | amount in document currency Example: 0 | No |
cdType | string | Credit Debit Type Example: "DEBIT" | No |
cfield | object | No | |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | JE Line Items Description Example: "credit description" | No |
gstTypeIndia | string | GST type Enum: "CGST" , "SGST" , "IGST" , "CESS" Example: "IGST" | No |
id | long | Journal Entry Line Items ID Example: 1 | No |
jeLineItemMetaData | JELineItemMetaData | JE line items metadata | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
jeRecurringCount | integer | Journal Entry Recurring Count Example: 1 | No |
journalEntryID | long | Journal Entry Id Example: 1 | No |
memo | [ RecurringJournalEntryMemo ] | Journal entry memo | No |
recurrenceEndDate | dateTime | Yes | |
recurrenceFrequency | string | Journal Entry Recurrence Frequency Example: "WEEK" | No |
recurrenceType | integer | Journal Entry Recurrence Example: 1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | No | |
bulkData | [ BulkPaymentItem ] | No | |
contraDocumentCode | string | No | |
currency | string | No | |
documentCode | string | No | |
documentDate | dateTime | No | |
documentOrder | integer | No | |
exchangeRate | number | No | |
linkedDocumentSequence | string | No | |
linkedWhileCreatingNote | boolean | No | |
uid | string (uuid) | No | |
whtAmount | number | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Amount Example: 100 | No |
currency | string | Currency Code Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | Yes |
documentCode | string | Unique system generated document code Example: "SI-0000001" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Currency Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
knockOffDate | dateTime | Knock off Date with pattern dd-mm-yyyy Example: "06-11-2019" | Yes |
linkedDocumentSequence | string | Document Sequence Code Example: "SI-0000001" | No |
paymentCode | string | Unique system generated payment/receipt code Example: "MP-0000001" | No |
uid | string (uuid) | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
allocationType | string | Enum: "QUANTITY" , "VALUE" , "WEIGHT" , "MANUAL" , "CUSTOM_DUTY" | No |
name | string | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
allocationType | string | Enum: "QUANTITY" , "VALUE" , "WEIGHT" , "MANUAL" , "CUSTOM_DUTY" | No |
categoryName | string | No | |
landedCostCategory | string | No | |
productDetails | [ LandedCostProductDetails ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
allocatedCost | number | No | |
customDutyAndOtherCharges | number | No | |
gstRate | string | No | |
hsncode | string | No | |
igst | number | No | |
product | string | No | |
productId | string | No | |
quantity | number | No | |
taxableValueForCustomDuty | number | No | |
taxableValueForIGST | number | No | |
totalAmount | number | No | |
unitPrice | number | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Payment amount Example: 100 | No |
amountInBaseCurrency | number | Payment amount in Base Currency Example: 100 | No |
code | string | Sequence code Example: "MBP-0000001" | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: "C-0000001" | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Payment Date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentList | [ AbstractMakePaymentResponseDto«AbstractMakePaymentItemDto» ] | List of make payments Example: [] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Payment amount Example: 100 | No |
amountInBaseCurrency | number | Payment amount in Base Currency Example: 100 | No |
code | string | Sequence code Example: "MBP-0000001" | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: "C-0000001" | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Payment Date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentList | [ MakePaymentResponseDto ] | List of make payments Example: [] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Payment amount Example: 100 | No |
amountInBaseCurrency | number | Payment amount in Base Currency Example: 100 | No |
code | string | Sequence code Example: "MBP-0000001" | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: "C-0000001" | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Payment Date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentList | [ MakePaymentResponseDtoIndia ] | List of make payments Example: [] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Payment amount Example: 100 | No |
amountInBaseCurrency | number | Payment amount in Base Currency Example: 100 | No |
code | string | Sequence code Example: "MBP-0000001" | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: "C-0000001" | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Payment Date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentList | [ MakePaymentResponseDtoIndonesia ] | List of make payments Example: [] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Payment amount Example: 100 | No |
amountInBaseCurrency | number | Payment amount in Base Currency Example: 100 | No |
code | string | Sequence code Example: "MBP-0000001" | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: "C-0000001" | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Payment Date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentList | [ MakePaymentResponseDtoIsrael ] | List of make payments Example: [] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Payment amount Example: 100 | No |
amountInBaseCurrency | number | Payment amount in Base Currency Example: 100 | No |
code | string | Sequence code Example: "MBP-0000001" | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: "C-0000001" | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Payment Date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentList | [ MakePaymentResponseDtoPhilippines ] | List of make payments Example: [] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemDto ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
purchaseInvoice | PurchaseInvoiceResponse | No | |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemDtoIndia ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemDtoIndonesia ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
whtApplicable | boolean | WHT Applicable for make payment Example: true | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemDtoIsrael ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
whtApplicable | boolean | WHT Applicable for make payment Example: true | No |
whtInfoIsrael | WhtInfoIsrael | WHT info for make payment | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemDtoPhilippines ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
whtApplicable | boolean | WHT Applicable for make payment Example: true | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
MakePaymentFeeDto | object |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
whtRateInfo | [ WHTRateInfo ] | Line items - WHT Rates information. Example: [{"accountCode":"AC-001","productCode":"P-001","whtAmount":20,"rate":2,"whtSectionToWhtRateId":100}] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Description of document. Example: "General ledger for account." | No |
documentCode | string | Document code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Document Sequence code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
documentType | string | Document type. Example: "General Ledger" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
paymentAmount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10.5 | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount. Example: 0.7 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code. Example: "GST@7" | No |
taxList | [ TaxMappingDto ] | No | |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Pre-Payment TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
whtRateInfo | [ WHTRateInfo ] | Line items - WHT Rates information. Example: [{"accountCode":"AC-001","productCode":"P-001","whtAmount":20,"rate":2,"whtSectionToWhtRateId":100}] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
paymentMemo | PaymentMemo | Recurring payment memo. Example: "payment memo" | No |
recurringEndDate | dateTime | Recurring payment end date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
recurringFrequency | integer | Recurring frequency. Example: 1 | No |
recurringPaymentCount | integer | Recurring payment count. Example: 2 | No |
recurringType | string | Recurring type. Enum: "DAYS" , "WEEK" , "MONTH" Example: "WEEK" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemResponseDto ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
whtApplicable | boolean | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemResponseDtoIndia ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemResponseDtoIndonesia ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
whtApplicable | boolean | Example: true | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemResponseDtoIsrael ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
whtApplicable | boolean | Example: true | No |
whtInfoIsrael | WhtInfoIsrael | WHT info for make payment | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accountCodePayFrom | string | Account code. Example: "AC-001" | No |
accountName | string | Account name. Example: "Bank" | No |
amount | number | Payment amount. Example: 10 | No |
amountDue | number | Payment amount Due. Example: 10 | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | list of attachment id's for this order | No |
bankRuleId | long | Rule id if the document has been created by a Bank Rule | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: 19425 | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency code. Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
customerTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "EXPORT_WO_PAY" , "EXPORT_W_PAY" , "NA" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" , "SEZ_W_PAY" Example: "SEZ (WPAY)" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Document date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
errors | [ string ] | List of validation error messages | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate. Example: 0.01891562 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
gstIn | string | No | |
gstTreatmentIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR=Registered Business - Regular" , "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_COMPOSITION=Registered Business - Composition" , "UNREGISTERED_BUSINESS=Unregistered Business" , "CUSTOMER=Consumer" , "OVERSEAS=Overseas" , "SPECIAL_ECONOMIC_ZONE=Special Economic Zone" , "DEEMED_EXPORT=Deemed Export" Example: "REGISTERED_BUSINESS_REGULAR" | No |
interCompany | boolean | True if it is between inter companies Example: true | No |
isTdsPaymentIndia | boolean | No | |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | No | |
makePaymentFeeDtoList | [ MakePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the made payment | No |
makePaymentItemDtoList | [ MakePaymentItemResponseDtoPhilippines ] | Make payment items information. | No |
makePaymentRecurringDto | MakePaymentRecurringDto | Recurring payment details. | No |
memo | string | Memo text. Example: "Sales quotation" | No |
nextPaymentDate | dateTime | Next payment date. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
opening | boolean | Opening Document Example: false | No |
paymentType | string | Type of payment. Enum: "CHEQUE" , "CASH" , "BANK_TRANSFER" , "CARD" , "OTHERS" Example: "BANK_TRANSFER" | No |
reconciled | boolean | Whether the current payment is reconciled or not. | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | Recurring payment activated for payment. Example: false | No |
recurringPayment | boolean | Recurring payment enable/disable for payment. Example: false | No |
referenceDate | dateTime | Date of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "2019-09-27" | No |
referenceNumber | string | Reference number of Bank Transfer/cheque. Example: "CH001" | No |
status | string | Print Status Enum: "PRINT_SUCCESS" , "PRINT_FAILURE" , "NOT_PRINTED" Example: "NOT_PRINTED" | No |
tdsPaymentInfoIndia | TDSPaymentInfoIndia | TDS Payment details | No |
tdsProcessedFlag | boolean | TDS Processed Flag Example: false | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
vendorTypeIndia | string | India Compliance filed Enum: "IMPORT" , "NA" , "SEZ_W_PAY" , "SEZ_WO_PAY" Example: "EXPORT (WOPAY)" | No |
whtApplicable | boolean | Example: true | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
Map«string,object» | object |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
offset | long | No | |
pageNumber | integer | No | |
pageSize | integer | No | |
paged | boolean | No | |
sort | Sort | No | |
unpaged | boolean | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
content | [ DepositDto ] | No | |
empty | boolean | No | |
first | boolean | No | |
last | boolean | No | |
number | integer | No | |
numberOfElements | integer | No | |
pageable | Pageable | No | |
size | integer | No | |
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totalElements | long | No | |
totalPages | integer | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
content | [ ExpenseDto ] | No | |
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first | boolean | No | |
last | boolean | No | |
number | integer | No | |
numberOfElements | integer | No | |
pageable | Pageable | No | |
size | integer | No | |
sort | Sort | No | |
totalElements | long | No | |
totalPages | integer | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
content | [ MakePaymentResponseDtoIndia ] | No | |
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first | boolean | No | |
last | boolean | No | |
number | integer | No | |
numberOfElements | integer | No | |
pageable | Pageable | No | |
size | integer | No | |
sort | Sort | No | |
totalElements | long | No | |
totalPages | integer | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
content | [ MakePaymentResponseDtoIndonesia ] | No | |
empty | boolean | No | |
first | boolean | No | |
last | boolean | No | |
number | integer | No | |
numberOfElements | integer | No | |
pageable | Pageable | No | |
size | integer | No | |
sort | Sort | No | |
totalElements | long | No | |
totalPages | integer | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
content | [ MakePaymentResponseDtoIsrael ] | No | |
empty | boolean | No | |
first | boolean | No | |
last | boolean | No | |
number | integer | No | |
numberOfElements | integer | No | |
pageable | Pageable | No | |
size | integer | No | |
sort | Sort | No | |
totalElements | long | No | |
totalPages | integer | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
content | [ MakePaymentResponseDtoPhilippines ] | No | |
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first | boolean | No | |
last | boolean | No | |
number | integer | No | |
numberOfElements | integer | No | |
pageable | Pageable | No | |
size | integer | No | |
sort | Sort | No | |
totalElements | long | No | |
totalPages | integer | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
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first | boolean | No | |
last | boolean | No | |
number | integer | No | |
numberOfElements | integer | No | |
pageable | Pageable | No | |
size | integer | No | |
sort | Sort | No | |
totalElements | long | No | |
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Name | Type | Description | Required |
content | [ ReceivePaymentResponseDtoIndia ] | No | |
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last | boolean | No | |
number | integer | No | |
numberOfElements | integer | No | |
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sort | Sort | No | |
totalElements | long | No | |
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content | [ ReceivePaymentResponseDtoIndonesia ] | No | |
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number | integer | No | |
numberOfElements | integer | No | |
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totalElements | long | No | |
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numberOfElements | integer | No | |
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content | [ ReceivePaymentResponseDtoPhilippines ] | No | |
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last | boolean | No | |
number | integer | No | |
numberOfElements | integer | No | |
pageable | Pageable | No | |
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sort | Sort | No | |
totalElements | long | No | |
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Name | Type | Description | Required |
content | [ ReceivePaymentResponseDto ] | No | |
empty | boolean | No | |
first | boolean | No | |
last | boolean | No | |
number | integer | No | |
numberOfElements | integer | No | |
pageable | Pageable | No | |
size | integer | No | |
sort | Sort | No | |
totalElements | long | No | |
totalPages | integer | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
connected | boolean | No | |
connectionId | string | No | |
connectionName | string | No | |
modules | [ string ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
autoCharge | boolean | No | |
connectionType | string | Payment connection type Enum: "STRIPE" , "VEEM" , "WISE" , "PAYPAL" , "PAYTM" , "RAZORPAY" , "OPENNODE" , "CASHFREE" Example: "stripe" | No |
customerEmail | string | Customer email Example: "" | No |
customerPhone | string | Customer phone Example: 1234567890 | No |
paymentAccountDto | PaymentAccountDto | Payment method information Example: {"connected":true} | No |
paymentLink | string | Payment link Example: "" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
autoCharge | boolean | No | |
connectionId | string | No | |
connectionType | string | No | |
currency | string | No | |
string | No | ||
generateProviderAlert | boolean | No | |
invoiceId | string | No | |
paymentAmount | number | No | |
phone | string | No | |
updateEmail | boolean | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
paymentMemos | object | No | |
referenceDetails | object | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
active | boolean | Product status Example: true | No |
advancedTracking | string | Advanced Tracking Type Enum: "NONE" , "BATCH" , "SERIAL" Example: "NONE" | No |
advancedTrackingMetaData | [ AdvancedTrackingMetaDto ] | Advanced Tracking Meta data Example: {"field1":"value1","field2":"value2"} | No |
amortizationPeriod | integer | Amortization template period Example: 36 | No |
amortizationTemplateCode | string | Amortization template code Example: "0000001" | No |
attributes | [ AttributeDetails ] | Attribute Details | No |
autoFulfillmentEnabled | boolean | Is Auto-Fulfillment enable? Example: false | No |
barcode | string | Product barcode Example: 2365234 | No |
barcodeDetails | BarcodeDetails | barcode details Example: {"barcodeField":"Samsung"} | No |
basePrice | double | Revenue Base price Example: 120 | No |
bomAddCostConfiguration | [ BomAdditionalCostDto ] | Bom additional cost information | No |
bomMetaDetailsList | [ BomMetaDetailsDto ] | multiple bom configuration Example: "Bom Configuration" | No |
bomOperationsConfiguration | [ BomOperationDto ] | Bom Operations information | No |
bomProductCostDetails | [ BomProductCostDetails ] | JSON object for custom fields Example: {"field1":"value1","field2":"value2"} | No |
bomProductsConfiguration | [ BomMetaDto ] | Bom Products information | No |
categoryCode | string | Category code Example: "AB0001" | No |
categoryDesc | string | Category description Example: "Medical Equipment" | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | JSON object for custom fields Example: {"field1":"value1","field2":"value2"} | No |
deferredExpenseAccountCode | string | Deferred Expense account code Example: "A-0015" | No |
deferredRevenueAccountCode | string | Deferred Revenue account code Example: "A-0015" | No |
deleted | boolean | Product delete status Example: true | No |
description | string | Product description Example: "Description" | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Product Sequence code Example: "P-0000001" | No |
exciseRateIndo | number | Excise Rate Example: 5 | No |
hasBuildAssembly | boolean | Has Build Assembly Example: true | No |
hasVariants | boolean | Product has variants Example: false | No |
id | long | Product ID Example: 1234 | No |
images | [ string ] | Product image url's | No |
incomingQty | number | Product incoming Qty | No |
inventory | InventoryDto | Inventory information required for Tracked Products. | No |
inventoryWarehouseDetails | [ InventoryWarehouseDetails ] | Inventory warehouse details Example: {"warehouseCode":"WH-00001","availableQuantity":"100","openingQuantity":"100"} | No |
isAccountNumberFlag | boolean | indicates if user is sending account number or code Example: true | No |
isFinishedProduct | boolean | Is finished product? Example: false | No |
isUiProductUpdate | boolean | Product is update by UI. Example: false | No |
isVariant | boolean | Is a variant Example: false | No |
landedCostCategory | [ LandedCostCategory ] | Landed cost category details | No |
manufacturingCostAccountCode | string | Manufacturing Cost Account Code Example: "AC-0000012" | No |
masterProductCode | string | Master Product Code Example: "P-0000001" | No |
multipleUomSchema | boolean | Is multiple Uom Schema? Example: true | No |
name | string | Product Name Example: "Apple" | Yes |
outgoingQty | number | Product outgoing Qty | No |
productId | string | Product ID Example: "P000011" | No |
productSubstitutesDetails | [ ProductSubstitutesDetails ] | No | |
productTransactionType | string | Product Transaction Type Enum: "BOTH" , "PURCHASE" , "SALES" Example: "BOTH" | Yes |
purchaseAccountCode | string | Purchase account code Example: "A-0012" | Yes |
purchasePrice | double | Purchase price Example: 123.33 | Yes |
purchasePriceTaxInclusive | boolean | Is purchase price tax inclusive? Example: true | No |
purchaseReturnAccountCode | string | Purchase return account code Example: "A-0014" | No |
purchaseTaxCode | string | Purchase tax code Example: "T-001" | No |
recommendedUom | long | Recommended product uom | No |
reorderEnabled | boolean | Flag to enable reorder level Example: true | No |
reorderLevel | long | Reorder level of the Products. Example: 100 | No |
reorderLevelReached | boolean | Has Reorder level reached | No |
reorderQuantity | long | Quantity to be reordered Example: 50 | No |
reorderVendorCode | string | Vendor code for reorder Example: "C-000001" | No |
reorderVendorName | string | Reorder Vendor Name | No |
revenueRecognitionInfo | ProductRevenueRecognitionInfo | Product Revenue Recognition Information Object | No |
salesAccountCode | string | Sales account code Example: "A-0013" | Yes |
salesPrice | double | Sales price Example: 120 | Yes |
salesPriceTaxInclusive | boolean | Is sales price tax inclusive? Example: false | No |
salesReturnAccountCode | string | Sales return account code Example: "A-0015" | No |
salesTaxCode | string | Sales tax code Example: "T-002" | No |
sequenceFormat | string | Sequence Format Example: 1 | No |
source | string | Identify this is ecom sync product Example: "SHOPIFY" | No |
stockUom | long | Stock UOM Example: 2 | Yes |
taxable | boolean | Is taxable? Example: true | No |
type | string | Product type Enum: "TRACKED" , "NONTRACKED" , "BILL_OF_MATERIALS" Example: "TRACKED" | Yes |
uomSchema | long | Reorder level of the Products. Example: 100 | No |
uomSchemaDto | UOMSchemaDto | Product uom schema information | No |
valuationMethod | string | Valuation Method Enum: "FIFO" , "AVERAGE" Example: "FIFO" | Yes |
variantAttributes | object | Attribute Details specific to a variant | No |
variantCount | integer | Variant Count | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
allocationType | string | Allocation Type Example: "Normal/Exclude" | No |
createRevenuePlanOn | string | Create Revenue Plan On Example: "Fulfillment" | No |
isDirectRevenuePositing | boolean | Direct Revenue Positing Example: true | No |
itemRevenueCategory | string | Item Revenue Category Example: "Licence" | No |
revRecForecastRule | string | Revenue Recognition Forecast Rule Example: "Rule Forecast 1" | No |
revRecRule | string | Revenue Recognition Rule Example: "Rule 1" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
advancedTracking | string | Advanced Tracking Type Enum: "NONE" , "BATCH" , "SERIAL" Example: "NONE" | No |
availableQuantity | number | Quantity of product available Example: 10 | No |
productDocumentSeqCode | string | Doc seq code of Product Example: "P-00001" | No |
productId | string | Product Id Example: "P-00001" | No |
productName | string | Name of Product Example: "Test Product" | No |
stockUom | long | Stock UOM Example: 2 | Yes |
type | string | Product type Enum: "TRACKED" , "NONTRACKED" , "BILL_OF_MATERIALS" Example: "TRACKED" | Yes |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
account | AccountDto | Account Response Example: "product" | No |
accountCode | string | Product code Example: "P00001" | Yes |
accountDescription | string | Product description Example: "Apple watch" | No |
accountOrder | integer | Product view order Example: 1 | No |
amount | number | Amount Example: 2 | Yes |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
discount | number | Discount Example: 2 | No |
discountInPercent | boolean | Discount in percentage Example: true | No |
id | long | ID Example: 2 | No |
isTdsApplicableAccount | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableContact | boolean | No | |
isTdsApplicableProduct | boolean | No | |
lineNumber | integer | Line Number Example: 1 | No |
tax | TaxDto | Tax details Example: "taxDto" | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount Example: 0.5 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code Example: "GST7" | No |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsInfoIndia | TdsInfoIndia | Purchase invoice TDS details | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
totalAmount | number | Total amount Example: 2.3 | Yes |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
additionalChargeAmount | number | No | |
additionalChargeTaxamount | number | No | |
additionalCharges | AdditionalCharges | No | |
amount | number | Amount Example: 2 | Yes |
assetDetails | [ AssetRequest ] | No | |
assetGroupId | long | No | |
assetGroupName | string | Product code Example: "P00001" | Yes |
assetGroupResponse | AssetGroupResponse | Account Response Example: "product" | No |
assetOrder | integer | Product view order Example: 1 | No |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
description | string | Product description Example: "Apple watch" | No |
discount | number | Discount Example: 2 | No |
discountInPercent | boolean | Discount in percentage Example: true | No |
id | long | ID Example: 2 | No |
invoiceItemCode | string | No | |
isPartialInvoice | boolean | Whether the Purchase Invoice is a partial invoice Example: false | No |
lineNumber | integer | Line Number Example: 1 | No |
linkedOrderItem | long | Order Item linked to invoice item Example: 123 | No |
quantity | number | No | |
tax | TaxDto | Tax details Example: "taxDto" | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount Example: 0.5 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code Example: "GST7" | No |
totalAmount | number | Total amount Example: 2.3 | Yes |
unitPrice | number | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
additionalChargeAmount | number | Example: 123 | No |
additionalChargeAmountCalculated | number | No | |
additionalChargeTaxamount | number | Example: 123 | No |
additionalChargeTaxamountCalculated | number | No | |
additionalCharges | AdditionalCharges | Purchase invoice item additional charges details | No |
advancedTrackingType | string | Advanced Tracking Type Enum: "NONE" , "BATCH" , "SERIAL" | No |
amortizationDocumentItemDetails | AmortizationDocumentItemDetails | No | |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
discount | number | Discount Example: 2 | No |
discountInPercent | boolean | Discount in percentage Example: true | No |
documentUOMSchemaDefinition | DocumentUOMSchemaDefinition | Document UOM Schema Definition Example: 2 | Yes |
documentUom | long | Document UOM id Example: 2 | Yes |
exciseRateIndo | number | Excise Rate Example: 5 | No |
id | long | ID Example: 2 | No |
invoiceLineNumber | string | Invoice Line Number Example: "ABSCDDSD1212" | No |
isPartialInvoice | boolean | Whether the Purchase Invoice is a partial invoice Example: false | No |
landedCostDetails | LandedCostDetails | Details for landed cost | No |
lineNumber | integer | Line Number Example: 1 | No |
linkedOrderItem | long | Order Item linked to invoice item Example: 123 | No |
product | ProductResponse | Product Response Example: "product" | No |
productCode | string | Product code Example: "P00001" | Yes |
productDescription | string | Product description Example: "Apple watch" | No |
productOrder | integer | Product view order Example: 1 | No |
productQuantity | number | Product quantity Example: 2 | Yes |
purchaseInvoiceItemCode | string | Purchase Invoice Item Code Example: "PII-000001" | No |
rcmRateSA | number | tax rate of rcm Example: 5 | No |
rcmTaxAmountSA | number | tax rate of rcm Example: 5 | No |
receivedQuantityInBills | number | Example: 123 | No |
receivedQuantityInOrder | number | Example: 123 | No |
tax | TaxDto | Tax details Example: "taxDto" | No |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount Example: 0.5 | No |
taxCode | string | Tax code Example: "GST7" | No |
tdsAccount | string | Tds Account Code Example: "AC-0000011" | No |
tdsAmount | number | TDS Amount Example: 100 | No |
tdsId | integer | TDS Id Example: 1 | No |
tdsRate | number | TDS Rate Example: 10.1 | No |
totalAmount | number | Total amount Example: 2.3 | Yes |
uaeRcmRate | number | tax rate of rcm Example: 5 | No |
unitPrice | number | Product unit price Example: 0.7 | Yes |
uomQuantity | number | uom quantity Example: 2 | Yes |
uomUnitPrice | number | UOM Unit price Example: 2.3 | Yes |
vatCustomRateSA | number | tax rate of rcm Example: 5 | No |
vatTaxAmountSA | number | tax rate of rcm Example: 5 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | long | ID Example: 2 | No |
invoiceRecurringCount | integer | Number of Invoices to be created Example: 1 | Yes |
recurrenceEndDate | string | Recurrence End date Example: "25-10-2019" | Yes |
recurrenceFrequency | string | Days, Weeks or Months Enum: "DAYS" , "WEEK" , "MONTH" Example: "WEEK" | Yes |
recurrenceType | integer | Every x Days/Weeks/Months Example: 1 | Yes |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
additionalCharges | AdditionalCharges | Purchase invoice additional charges details | No |
approvalStatus | string | Approval status Enum: "APPROVED" , "PENDING_FOR_APPROVAL" , "REJECTED" , "NOT_REQUIRED" Example: "APPROVED" | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | No | |
attachments | [ string ] | File attachments | No |
backOrder | boolean | Backorder flag to indicate if purchase invoice is backorder Example: true | No |
billTo | Address | Bill to Address | No |
contact | ContactInfo | Contact details | Yes |
contactCode | string | Contact Code Example: "C0001" | Yes |
currency | string | Currency Example: "C001" | Yes |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Bill Code Example: "0000001" | No |
draft | boolean | True if want to save as draft. Example: false | No |
draftReferenceId | string | Draft reference id | No |
dropShip | boolean | Drop Ship flag to indicate if purchase invoice is created for drop ship Example: true | No |
dueAmount | number | Amount Due Example: 12.322 | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate Example: 0.456345 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
isPartialInvoice | boolean | True if is partial invoice Example: false | No |
journalEntryCode | string | Journal Entry Code Example: "JE0001" | No |
landedCost | boolean | To mark landed cost bill Example: true | No |
linkedDocuments | [ DocumentInfo ] | Linked Documents | No |
memo | string | Memo Example: "Memo details" | No |
openingDocumentNumber | string | Customer opening document number Example: "DC-0001" | No |
openingInvoice | boolean | True if opening invoice Example: false | No |
payableAccountCode | string | Code of Account Example: "AC-000001" | No |
paymentMilestoneFlag | boolean | Payment milestone flag to indicate if payment milestones are set Example: true | No |
paymentStatus | string | Payment status Enum: "PENDING" , "PARTIAL" , "RECEIVED" Example: "PENDING" | No |
purchaseInvoiceAccounts | [ PurchaseInvoiceAccountDetails ] | Purchase invoice Account item details | No |
purchaseInvoiceAssets | [ PurchaseInvoiceAssetGroupDetails ] | No | |
purchaseInvoiceDate | string | Purchase Invoice date Example: "25-10-2019" | Yes |
purchaseInvoiceDueDate | string | Purchase Invoice due date Example: "25-10-2019" | Yes |
purchaseInvoiceProducts | [ PurchaseInvoiceProductDetails ] | Purchase invoice Product item details | No |
purchaseInvoiceRecurring | PurchaseInvoiceRecurringDetails | Purchase invoice item details | No |
purchaseInvoiceType | string | Purchase invoice type. Enum: "INVENTORY" , "EXPENSE" , "ASSET" Example: "INVENTORY" | Yes |
purchaseOrderRefNo | string | Contact PO reference number Example: "CPO001" | No |
receiptDate | dateTime | Receipt date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
receiveByDate | dateTime | Receive by date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
receiveGoodsStatus | string | receipt goods status Enum: "UNRECEIVED" , "PARTIAL_RECEIVED" , "FULLY_RECEIVED" , "NOT_APPLICABLE" Example: "FULLY_RECEIVED" | No |
receivedComplete | boolean | True if auto received is required. Example: false | No |
recurring | boolean | True if Invoice is recurring. Example: true | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | True if Invoice recurrence is active. Example: false | No |
roundOffAmountInBaseCurrency | number | Round Off Amount In Base Currency Example: 12.322 | No |
roundOffAmountInDocumentCurrency | number | Round Off Amount In Document Currency Example: 12.322 | No |
sequenceFormat | string | Sequence Format Id Example: 1 | No |
shipFrom | Address | Ship from address | No |
shipTo | Address | Ship to address | No |
status | string | Invoice status Enum: "OPEN" , "DRAFT" , "CLOSED" Example: "OPEN" | No |
supplierInvoiceNo | string | No | |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount Example: 2.322 | No |
tcsAmount | number | TCS amount Example: 2.322 | No |
tcsPercentage | number | TCS percentage Example: 2 | No |
tcsRateId | long | TCS Rate Id Example: 1 | No |
totalAmount | number | Total amount Example: 12.322 | No |
totalAmountInBaseCurrency | number | Total amount in base currency Example: 12.322 | No |
totalTdsAmount | number | Total Tds Amount Example: 12.32 | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Unit price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
warehouseCode | string | Warehouse Code Example: "WH-000001" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
additionalCharges | AdditionalCharges | Purchase invoice additional charges details | No |
approvalStatus | string | Approval status Enum: "APPROVED" , "PENDING_FOR_APPROVAL" , "REJECTED" , "NOT_REQUIRED" Example: "APPROVED" | No |
attachmentIds | [ integer ] | No | |
attachments | [ string ] | File attachments | No |
attachmentsWithLink | [ AttachmentsResponse ] | Attachments Details | No |
backOrder | boolean | Backorder flag to indicate if purchase invoice is backorder Example: true | No |
billTo | Address | Bill to Address | No |
contact | ContactInfo | Contact details | Yes |
contactCode | string | Contact Code Example: "C0001" | Yes |
contactDto | ContactDto | Contact Details | Yes |
currency | string | Currency Example: "C001" | Yes |
customField | [ CustomFieldItem ] | List of custom fields | No |
documentSequenceCode | string | Purchase invoice Sequence Code Example: "0000001" | No |
draft | boolean | Purchase invoice drafted Example: false | No |
draftReferenceId | string | Draft reference id | No |
dropShip | boolean | Drop Ship flag to indicate if purchase invoice is created for drop ship Example: true | No |
dueAmount | number | Amount Due Example: 12.322 | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange rate Example: 0.456345 | No |
gstExchangeRate | number | GST Exchange rate if tax residency currency is different than base currency Example: 1 | No |
id | long | Purchase invoice id Example: 1 | No |
isPartialInvoice | boolean | Whether the Purchase Invoice is a partial invoice Example: false | No |
journalEntryCode | string | Journal Entry Code Example: "JE0001" | No |
knockoffInfo | [ KnockOffInfo ] | KnockOff Info | No |
landedCost | boolean | To mark landed cost bill Example: true | No |
linkedDocuments | [ DocumentInfo ] | Linked Documents | No |
memo | string | Memo Example: "Memo details" | No |
openingDocumentNumber | string | Customer opening document number Example: "DC-0001" | No |
openingInvoice | boolean | True if opening invoice Example: false | No |
payableAccountCode | string | Code of Account Example: "AC-000001" | No |
paymentMilestoneFlag | boolean | Payment milestone flag to indicate if payment milestones are set Example: true | No |
paymentStatus | string | Purchase invoice payment status Enum: "PENDING" , "PARTIAL" , "RECEIVED" Example: "PENDING" | No |
purchaseInvoiceAccounts | [ PurchaseInvoiceAccountDetails ] | Purchase invoice Account item details | No |
purchaseInvoiceAssets | [ PurchaseInvoiceAssetGroupDetails ] | No | |
purchaseInvoiceCode | string | Purchase invoice code Example: "SI001" | No |
purchaseInvoiceDate | string | Purchase Invoice date Example: "25-10-2019" | Yes |
purchaseInvoiceDueDate | string | Purchase Invoice due date Example: "25-10-2019" | Yes |
purchaseInvoiceProducts | [ PurchaseInvoiceProductDetails ] | Purchase invoice Product item details | No |
purchaseInvoiceRecurring | PurchaseInvoiceRecurringDetails | Purchase invoice item details | No |
purchaseInvoiceType | string | Purchase invoice type. Enum: "INVENTORY" , "EXPENSE" , "ASSET" Example: "INVENTORY" | Yes |
purchaseOrderRefNo | string | Contact PO reference number Example: "CPO001" | No |
receiveByDate | dateTime | Receive by date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
receiveGoodsStatus | string | Purchase invoice receipt status Enum: "UNRECEIVED" , "PARTIAL_RECEIVED" , "FULLY_RECEIVED" , "NOT_APPLICABLE" Example: "UNRECEIVED" | No |
recurring | boolean | True if Invoice is recurring. Example: true | No |
recurringActivated | boolean | True if Invoice recurrence is active. Example: false | No |
roundOffAmountInBaseCurrency | number | Round Off Amount In Base Currency Example: 12.322 | No |
roundOffAmountInDocumentCurrency | number | Round Off Amount In Document Currency Example: 12.322 | No |
sequenceFormat | string | Sequence Format Id Example: 1 | No |
shipFrom | Address | Ship from address | No |
shipTo | Address | Ship to address | No |
status | string | Invoice status Enum: "OPEN" , "DRAFT" , "CLOSED" Example: "OPEN" | No |
supplierInvoiceNo | string | No | |
taxAmount | number | Tax amount Example: 2.322 | No |
tcsAmount | number | TCS amount Example: 2.322 | No |
tcsPercentage | number | TCS percentage Example: 2 | No |
tcsRateId | long | TCS Rate Id Example: 1 | No |
totalAmount | number | Total amount Example: 12.322 | No |
totalAmountInBaseCurrency | number | Total amount in base currency Example: 12.322 | No |
totalTdsAmount | number | Total Tds Amount Example: 12.32 | No |
unitPriceGstInclusive | boolean | Unit price is GST inclusive Example: false | No |
warehouseCode | string | Warehouse Code Example: "WH-000001" | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Payment amount Example: 100 | No |
amountInBaseCurrency | number | Payment amount in Base Currency Example: 100 | No |
code | string | Sequence code Example: "RBP-0000001" | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: "C-0000001" | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Payment Date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | No | |
receivePaymentFeeDtoList | [ ReceivePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the received payment | No |
receivePaymentList | [ AbstractReceivePaymentResponseDto«AbstractReceivePaymentItemDto» ] | List of receive payments Example: [] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Payment amount Example: 100 | No |
amountInBaseCurrency | number | Payment amount in Base Currency Example: 100 | No |
code | string | Sequence code Example: "RBP-0000001" | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: "C-0000001" | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Payment Date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | No | |
receivePaymentFeeDtoList | [ ReceivePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the received payment | No |
receivePaymentList | [ ReceivePaymentResponseDto ] | List of receive payments Example: [] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Payment amount Example: 100 | No |
amountInBaseCurrency | number | Payment amount in Base Currency Example: 100 | No |
code | string | Sequence code Example: "RBP-0000001" | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: "C-0000001" | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Payment Date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | No | |
receivePaymentFeeDtoList | [ ReceivePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the received payment | No |
receivePaymentList | [ ReceivePaymentResponseDtoIndia ] | List of receive payments Example: [] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Payment amount Example: 100 | No |
amountInBaseCurrency | number | Payment amount in Base Currency Example: 100 | No |
code | string | Sequence code Example: "RBP-0000001" | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: "C-0000001" | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Payment Date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | No | |
receivePaymentFeeDtoList | [ ReceivePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the received payment | No |
receivePaymentList | [ ReceivePaymentResponseDtoIndonesia ] | List of receive payments Example: [] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Payment amount Example: 100 | No |
amountInBaseCurrency | number | Payment amount in Base Currency Example: 100 | No |
code | string | Sequence code Example: "RBP-0000001" | No |
contactCode | string | Contact code. Example: "C-0000001" | No |
contactName | string | Contact name. Example: "ABC PTE LTD" | No |
currency | string | Currency Enum: "AFN" , "ALL" , "DZD" , "AOA" , "ARS" , "AMD" , "AWG" , "AZN" , "BSD" , "BHD" , "BDT" , "BBD" , "BYN" , "BZD" , "BMD" , "BTN" , "BOB" , "BAM" , "BRL" , "BND" , "BGN" , "BIF" , "KHR" , "CAD" , "CVE" , "KYD" , "CLP" , "CNY" , "COP" , "KMF" , "CDF" , "CRC" , "CZK" , "HRK" , "CUC" , "DJF" , "DOP" , "EGP" , "ERN" , "ETB" , "FKP" , "FJD" , "XAF" , "GMD" , "GEL" , "GHS" , "GIP" , "DKK" , "GTQ" , "GNF" , "GYD" , "HTG" , "HNL" , "HKD" , "HUF" , "ISK" , "INR" , "IDR" , "IRR" , "IQD" , "JMD" , "JPY" , "JOD" , "KZT" , "KES" , "KWD" , "KGS" , "LAK" , "LBP" , "LSL" , "LRD" , "LYD" , "MOP" , "MKD" , "MGA" , "MWK" , "MYR" , "MVR" , "MRO" , "MUR" , "MXN" , "MDL" , "MNT" , "MZN" , "MMK" , "NAD" , "NPR" , "NIO" , "NGN" , "KPW" , "OMR" , "PKR" , "ILS" , "PAB" , "PGK" , "PYG" , "PEN" , "PHP" , "PLN" , "QAR" , "RON" , "RUB" , "RWF" , "SHP" , "XCD" , "WST" , "STD" , "SAR" , "RSD" , "SCR" , "SLL" , "SGD" , "ANG" , "SBD" , "SOS" , "ZAR" , "KRW" , "SSP" , "EUR" , "LKR" , "SDG" , "SRD" , "NOK" , "SZL" , "SEK" , "CHF" , "SYP" , "TWD" , "TJS" , "TZS" , "THB" , "XOF" , "NZD" , "TOP" , "TTD" , "TND" , "TRY" , "TMT" , "AUD" , "UGX" , "UAH" , "AED" , "GBP" , "USD" , "UYU" , "UZS" , "VUV" , "VEF" , "VND" , "XPF" , "MAD" , "YER" , "ZMW" , "BWP" , "CNH" Example: "SGD" | No |
documentDate | dateTime | Payment Date Example: "25-10-2019" | No |
exchangeRate | number | Exchange Rate Example: 1 | No |
id | long | No | |
receivePaymentFeeDtoList | [ ReceivePaymentFeeDto ] | Transaction fee pertaining to the received payment | No |
receivePaymentList | [ ReceivePaymentResponseDtoIsrael ] | List of receive payments Example: [] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
amount | number | Payment amount * |